Mitarbeiter (m/w) Dokumentation Geschäftsprozesse

Denn wegweisende Ideen brauchen Menschen, die sie nach vorne bringen. Bis ins Ziel und darüber hinaus. Genau so ist MAHLE. Ob bei der Optimierung vorhandener oder der Entwicklung neuer Technologien – als weltweit führender Hersteller von Komponenten und Systemen für den Verbrennungsmotor und dessen Peripherie begeistern wir gemeinsam mit rund 47.000 Mitarbeitern an über 100 Standorten unsere namhaften Kunden mit zukunftsorientierten Lösungen.

Gehen auch Sie mit neuen Ideen an den Start – bei der MAHLE Filtersysteme Austria GmbH am Standort St. Michael ob Bleiburg als

Mitarbeiter (m/w) Dokumentation Geschäftsprozesse [PDF]

Sind Sie bereit für vielfältige Aufgaben?

  • Aufbau der Prozessdokumentation im MAHLE-Konzern
  • Aufnahme, Strukturierung, Dokumentation von Geschäftsprozessen
  • Koordination der Prozessmodellierung in ARIS parallel zu SAP-Einführungen
  • Aufbau der notwendigen inhaltlichen und organisatorischen Strukturen
  • Begleitung der Dokumentation an europäischen MAHLE-Standorten

Dann zeigen Sie, was Sie besonders macht!

  • Wirtschaftlicher oder technischer Uni-/FH-Abschluss oder praktische Erfahrung in der Dokumentation von betrieblichen Abläufen
  • Gute allgemeine IT- und MS Office-Kenntnisse • Gute Englisch-Kenntnisse
  • Moderations- und Präsentationsstärke sowie Eigeninitiative und Kreativität
  • Reisebereitschaft

Wir haben Vertrauen in Ihre Fähigkeiten. Deshalb bieten wir Ihnen nicht nur den Freiraum, Ihre eigenen Ideen zu verwirklichen, sondern auch exzellente Entwicklungschancen, die ganz individuell auf Sie zugeschnitten sind. Ergreifen Sie Ihre Chance, und prägen Sie die Zukunft mit Ihrem Antrieb.

Bewerben Sie sich jetzt.

MAHLE Filtersysteme Austria GmbH • BE.AT.HD / Human Resources • Elisabeth Eder St. Michael 19 • 9143 St. Michael ob Bleiburg • Austria •+43 4235 5050-2444

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AntMe! – Challenge 2012

SchülerInnen – Programmierwettbewerb

Datum: 29.6.2012 Ort: Hörsaal C

Zeit: 13 Uhr – 15 Uhr

Auch heuer veranstaltet Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften der Universität Klagenfurt wieder die „AntMe! Challenge“. In diesem Wettbewerb sind SchülerInnen aller Altersgruppen aufgefordert Ihre Programmierkenntnisse unter Beweis zu stellen. Die Teams haben jetzt bis 31. Mai Zeit sich um Ihre Ameisenvölker zu kümmern und diese so gut wie möglich für den Wettkampf vorzubereiten. Hier gilt es ihnen beizubringen sich ihr Futter in Form von Äpfeln und Zucker zu holen sowie mit Ihren Feinden (Käfern, fremde Ameisen) möglichst gut umzugehen, aber auch mit befreundeten Völkern zusammenarbeiten zu können.

Nach dem Upload kommen die Völker in die Vorrundenausscheidung, wo sie das erste Mal gegeneinander antreten. Die besten acht Teams treten LIVE am 29. Juni im Anschluss an die „Technik LIVE Junior“ um 13 Uhr an der Alpen-Adria-Universität-Klagenfurt an.

Die Geldpreise im Gesamtwert von 1500 € für die drei besten Völker werden gesponsert vom Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt sowie Microsoft Österreich.

Mehr Informationen:

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Mitarbeiter/in SW-Produktdesign

Unycom GmbH ist ein spezialisierter Anbieter von unternehmensweiten Software-Lösungen in den Bereichen Intellectual Property Management für Unternehmen und Patentanwaltskanzleien. Der Hauptsitz der Unycom GmbH befindet sich mit rund 70 Angestellten in Graz, Österreich. Darüber hinaus haben wir Niederlassungen in München, Deutschland und San Francisco, Kalifornien.

Einige der größten und innovativsten europäischen Konzerne setzen unsere Produkte in mehr als 60 Ländern ein und verwalten damit insgesamt über eine Million Schutzrechte.

Zur Verstärkung unseres erfolgreichen und engagierten Teams suchen wir ab sofort für den Standort Graz eine/n

Mitarbeiter/in SW-Produktdesign [PDF]

Ihr Aufgabengebiet:

Als Mitarbeiter/in im SW-Produktdesign kümmern Sie sich maßgeblich um die Pflege und Weiterentwicklung unserer Softwareprodukte. Dies beinhaltet:

  • das Verständnis für kundenspezifische Anforderungen und die gezielte Erhebung dieser Anforderungen
  • die Erstellung von fachlichen Konzepten (User Stories) für die Umsetzung dieser Anforderungen im Produkt
  • die Ausarbeitung von User Interface- und Interaction-Design-Konzepten sowie die Anfertigung von Prototypen und Scribbles
  • das Übernehmen der Rolle des Feature Owner im Rahmen unseres Scrum- Entwicklungsprozesses

Ihr Profil:

  • eine einschlägige Ausbildung
  • Kreativität und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Eigeninitiative und selbstständiges Arbeiten
  • Kenntnisse im Bereich Informations- und Interaction-Design
  • praktische Erfahrung im Bereich Requirements Engineering und Software Usability von Vorteil
  • ausgeprägte analytische und konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten
  • sehr gutes Englisch in Wort und Schrift

Unser Angebot:

Wir bieten einen herausfordernden Vollzeitjob mit interessanten Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in einem ausgezeichneten Betriebsklima.

Für diese Position gilt ein kollektivvertragliches Mindestgehalt in der Höhe von € 2.115,00 brutto/Monat. Es besteht die Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung abhängig von Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung.

Wenn Sie in dieser Position eine Herausforderung sehen und in einem jungen und innovativen Team mitarbeiten möchten, senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit Foto bitte an:

Unycom GmbH
St.-Peter-Gürtel 10 / 8042 Graz / AT / / +43 316 818 828-101

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QoE beyond Audio-Visual: Sensory Experience

Abstract: The past decade has witnessed a significant increase in research efforts around Quality of Experience (QoE) which is generally referred to as a human-centric paradigm for Quality of a Service (QoS). As it puts the end user in the center stage, it may have various dimensions and one dimension aims at going beyond audio-visual promising advanced user experience through sensory effects. The motivation behind this work is that the consumption of multimedia content may stimulate also senses other than vision or hearing, e.g., olfaction, mechanoreception, or thermoception that shall lead to an enhanced, unique user experience, in this context referred to as sensory experience. In particular, we developed and standardized – within ISO/MPEG as part of the MPEG-V standard – a representation format for sensory effects that are attached to traditional multimedia resources such as audio, video, and image contents. Sensory effects (e.g., wind, lighting, explosion, heat, cold, scent) are rendered on special devices (e.g., fans, ambient lights, motion chair, air condition) in synchronization with the traditional multimedia resources with the intention to increase the users’ Quality of Experience (QoE). In particular, this talk provides a comprehensive introduction into the concept of sensory experience, its assessment in terms of the QoE, and related standardization and implementation efforts. Finally, we will highlight open issues and research challenges including future work.

Keywords: Quality of Experience, Sensory Experience, Subjective Quality Assessment, MPEG-V

CV: Christian Timmerer received his M.Sc. (Dipl.-Ing.) in January 2003 and his Ph.D. (Dr.techn.) in June 2006 (for research on the adaptation of scalable multimedia content in streaming and constraint environments) both from the Klagenfurt University. He joined the Klagenfurt University in 1999 and is currently a Assistant Professor (Ass.-Prof.) at the Department of Information Technology (ITEC) – Multimedia Communication Group. His research interests are transport of modern/rich media, multimedia adaptation, and QoS/QoE; he has published more than 60 papers (incl. book chapters and tutorials) in these areas. He was the general chair of WIAMIS2008, ISMW2009, EUMOB2009, AVSTP2P2010, and WoMAN2011. He organized a Special Session on Modern Media Transport at MMSys2011. Additionally, he is an editorial board member of the Encyclopedia of Multimedia, ACM/Springer International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), and associate editor for IEEE Computer Science Computing Now, a new online front end to all IEEE CS magazine which transitions the printed media to virtual adopting and applying Web 2.0 principles in practice. He is the inaugurating chair of the IEEE CS Special Technical Community on Social Networking (STCSN). Finally, he as an area editor for the Elsevier journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication and a key member of the Interest Group (IG) on Image and Video Coding as well as Quality of Experience of the IEEE Multimedia Communication Technical Committee. Dr. Timmerer has been actively participating in several EC-funded projects, notably the FP6-IST-DANAE (2004-2006), FP6-IST-ENTHRONE (2006-2008), FP7-ICT-P2P-Next (2008-2012), FP7-ICT-ALICANTE (2010-2013), COST-IC1003-Qualinet (2010-2014), and FP7-ICT-SocialSensor (2011-2014) projects. Finally, he participated in the work of ISO/MPEG for several years, notably as the head of the Austrian delegation, coordinator of several core experiments, co-chair of several ad-hoc groups, and as an editor for several standards for which he has been awarded with the ISO/IEC certificate of appreciation. Publications and MPEG contributions can be found under

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Komplexe Systeme

Abstract: Ein komplexes System besteht aus miteinander verbundenen Teilen. Das System als Ganzes zeigt eine oder mehrere emer- gente Eigenschaften, welche nicht einfach aus den Eigenschaf- ten der einzelnen Teile abgeleitet werden können.

Das heißt, ein komplexes System verwehrt sich der Vereinfa- chung. Komplexe Systeme sind in vielen Bereichen wie z.B. Phy- sik (Interaktion von Teilchen), Chemie (chem. Reaktionen), Sozio- logie (Interaktion zwischen Menschen), Ökonomie (Vernetzung in der Wirtschaft) und Ökologie (Nahrungsketten) bereits allgegen- wärtig.

Durch die zunehmende Vernetzung von Komponenten in der Technik wird Wissen zu komplexen Systemen auch für die Infor- matik und Informationstechnik zunehmend bedeutender. Dazu ist es notwendig, sich eine neue Art und Weise anzueignen, um Systeme zu betrachten.

Im Rahmen diese einführenden Vortrags soll diese Grundlage an Hand einiger einfache Beispiele vermittelt werden.

Keywords: Komplexe Systeme, Vernetzung, selbstorganisierende Systeme

CV: Wilfried Elmenreich was born in 1973. Currently, he is a senior post- doc researcher at the Mobile Systems Group of the Institute of Net- worked and Embedded Systems at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. He is also affiliated with the Lakeside Labs, a research cluster investigating self-organizing networked systems. His inter- ests include wireless sensor networks, real-time systems and proto- cols and self-organizing systems. He studied at the Engineering School for Electrotechnics and Control in Weiz, Austria and gradu- ated at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), where he received a Master’s degree in computer science in 1998 and a Ph.D. degree in technical sciences in 2002. From 1999 to 2007, he was a research and teaching staff member at the Institute of Computer Engineering at TU Wien. In 2008, he was granted the habilitation (venia docendi) from the Vienna University of Technology. Wilfried Elmenreich was a visiting researcher at the Vanderbilt Uni- versity in 2005, at the Embedded Systems and Operating Systems group at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg in 2006 and at the CISTER/IPP-Hurray Research Unit at the Polytechnic Insti- tute of Porto in 2007. He was editor of 4 books and published over 100 papers in the field of networked and embedded systems. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. His Erdös Number is 3. Homepage:

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Haptic Communications

True immersion into a distant environment and efficient distributed collaboration require the ability to physically interact with remote objects and to literally get in touch with other people. Touching and manipulating objects remotely becomes possible if we augment traditional audiovisual communications by the haptic modality. Haptic communications is a relatively young field of research that has the potential to substantially improve human–human and human–machine interaction.

In this talk, we address perceptual coding of haptic information and the transmission of haptic data streams over resource-constrained and potentially lossy networks. In this context, we also briefly discuss the need for objective quality metrics for haptic communication. Throughout the talk, we stress the fact that haptic communications is not meant as a replacement of traditional audiovisual communications but rather as an additional dimension for telepresence that will allow us to advance in our quest for truly immersive communication.

Brief Biography:

Eckehard Steinbach (IEEE M’96, SM’08) studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany), the University of Essex (Great Britain), and ESIEE in Paris. From 1994 until 2000 he was a member of the research staff of the Image Communication Group at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), where he received the Engineering Doctorate in 1999. From February 2000 to December 2001 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Information Systems Laboratory of Stanford University. In February 2002 he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Munich University of Technology (Germany), where he is currently a Full Professor for Media Technology. His current research interests are in the area of audio-visual-haptic information processing and communication as well as networked and interactive multimedia systems.



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Software-Entwickler/In Visual C++, C#, Java

Unsere Anforderung: [PDF]

Neben Ihrer fachlichen Qualifikation in den Programmiersprachen C++, C# bzw. Java und den Betriebssystemen Windows 7/Vista/XP erwarten wir die Fähigkeit, Aufgabenstellungen aus den Bereichen Automotive Engineering und Industrial Automation gesamtheitlich zu erfassen und zu lösen

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Erstellen von Softwarelösungen für die Prüfstandsautomatisierung

Ihre Qualifikationen:

  • abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung (HTL/FH/Uni)
  • analytisches und lösungsorientiertes Denken
  • sehr gute Visual C++, C# oder Java Kenntnisse
  • mehrjährige Projekterfahrung von Vorteil

Dienstort (wahlweise):

  • Graz, St. Veit/Glan

Persönliche Voraussetzungen:

  • Kreativität, Teamfähigkeit
  • eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise
  • innovationsorientiertes Denken
  • ausgeprägtes Engagement

Unser Angebot:

  • eigenständiges Arbeiten in einem erfolgreichen Unternehmen
  • Mitarbeit bei spannenden Projekten
  • ausgezeichnetes Betriebsklima
  • Das Jahresbruttogehalt bewegt sich – je nach Qualifikation – zwischen 24.500 € und 56.000 €.

Kristl, Seibt & Co
Baiernstraße 122a, 8052 Graz
Tel.: 0316 / 5995-1118

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Entscheidungsprobleme: Phänomene – Reduktionen – Algorithmen


Im Kontext unterschiedlicher Entscheidungsprobleme wird deren Bedeutung bei der Aufdeckung gefälschter Staatshaushalte und Steuererklärungen, der Komplexität von Computerspielen wie Minesweeper und der Verifikation großer Datenbestände auf ihre Konsistenz exemplarisch aufgezeigt. Zudem wird auf verwandte Probleme, deren Lösung und relevante Literatur verwiesen.


Benford-Verteilung, Computer-Forensik, Minesweeper, NP-Vollständigkeit, Fingerprint-Funktionen, Probabilistisches Vergleichen


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Student Placements at EnOcean, Munich, Germany


These placements start July 2012 and end August 2013

Successful candidates will be based at EnOcean’s Headquarters in Oberhaching, in the south-east area of Munich. EnOcean is a young company with a culture of innovation. Across its over 10 years of operation it has demonstrated a continuing commitment to the development of young Engineers.

EnOcean is the originator of patented energy harvesting wireless technology

The company manufactures and markets maintenance-free wireless sensor solutions for use in buildings and industrial installations. EnOcean solutions are based on miniaturized energy converters, ultra-low- power electronic circuitry and reliable wireless. Combining these elements enables EnOcean and its product partners to offer sensor systems that are fundamental for energy-efficient buildings and innovative industry. Today wireless modules from EnOcean are chosen worldwide by more than 100 manufacturers to enable their system ideas for buildings and industry. Wireless components are already in use in over 200,000 buildings.

EnOcean GmbH was founded in 2001 as a spin-off from Siemens AG. The company currently employs about 60 people in Germany and the USA.

EnOcean Technology

The basic idea behind this innovative technology stems from a simple observation: where sensors capture measured values, the energy state constantly changes. When a switch is pressed, the temperature alters or the luminance level varies. All these operations generate enough energy to transmit wireless signals. Instead of batteries, EnOcean consequently uses miniaturized energy converters to supply power: linear motion converters, solar cells and thermal converters. These allow wireless operation in very different surroundings. Intelligent software stacks enable straightforward and simple integration of EnOcean technology in a large variety of user applications.

EnOcean Alliance

Companies worldwide from the building sector established an innovative control solution for sustainable building projects. The EnOcean Alliance aims to standardize and internationalize EnOcean technology, and is dedicated to creating interoperability between the products of OEM partners.


The selected candidates will work in the development Labs of EnOcean, but being a small company, there will also be regular involvement with marketing, sales, and manufacturing – a chance to experience the “full picture”. The year-long term of these placements allow the candidates to become deeply familiar with EnOcean technology and have a real chance to contribute something useful. As the company continues to grow, it is expected that some of our Interns will return to EnOcean as employees after their graduation.

Key Activities:

  • Low-power circuit design
  • RF circuit design
  • Embedded programming
  • Micromechanical design for Energy Harvesting  System Integration
  • Product transfer to production
  • Recruiting and training their successors for the next placements

Skills that will be acquired:

Technical Knowledge: low-power circuit design both analog and digital, RF circuit design, energy harvesting, micromechanical design. Integrated circuits for low-power RF communication, embedded microcontrollers, power management. Principles of Energy Harvesting: peltier effect, piezo-electric, thermal, solar, magneto-electric Mechanical design of switches and sensors. Training on all the EnOcean technologies will be given.

Work Skills: working efficiently, being responsive, understanding organisations, team working and customer support.

Communication Skills: the communications skills needed to work in a dynamic company: face-to-face, telephone and e-mail. Good proficiency in English, particularly when applied to technical subjects, to enable effective and clear communications.

Marketing: Understanding the growing market for EnOcean technologies, and gaining a genuine appreciation of the market trends from an insider’s point of view.

Relationships: Working in a truly multi-cultural environment

Recruitment: In 2013, the current Student Interns will be responsible for initiating the recruitment process for their successor and for the initial selection process. They will then give training during the handover period (hence 12 month placement plus one month handover).

Working conditions & Remuneration:

  • Munich: an international city friendly to students from all over Europe! Excellent public transport, buzzing nightlife, outstanding sports activities – in short “a cool destination”
  • Collegiate company environment: everyone working together on common goals
  • State-of-the-art development Labs with excellent tools and equipment
  • Training: excellent on-the-job training
  • Salary: approximately €1000 Euros pre-tax per month
  • Salary is paid monthly, so you must be able to support yourself during your first month.
  • Paid holiday allowance

Individual Requirements

Applicants MUST meet the following criteria:

  • Be available for a placement of at least 13 months.
  • Able to retain their student status throughout the placement because the placement is a required part of their course (not a “Student in suspense”)
  • Citizens of the European Union* or Switzerland (*Restrictions may apply to Bulgarian and Romanian Students)
  • Be genuinely fluent in English, written and spoken.
  • Be available for a placement of at least 13 months.

Skills you should have:

  • All Students:
    • Proficient using a PC and the Internet
    • The drive and motivation to accept new challenges – The ability to learn quickly.
    • A keen sense of responsibility.
    • The maturity to work with minimal supervision
  • Students in Electronics:
    • Good knowledge of Analog and Digital Electronics – Some experience of microcontroller circuit design – RF circuit design experience is useful
  • Students in Software/Computer Engineering:
    • Experience of embedded programming
    • Understanding of merits of Assembly Programming versus C – Knowledge of 8051 or MSP430 would be useful
  • Students in Mechanical Engineering:
    • Some “Mechatronics” experience – knowledge of Electronic circuits would be useful – Basic knowledge of CAD programs
    • Genuine interest in MEMS/Micro-machine design

Other skills we value:

  • Additional language skills, apart from English, with German being especially useful  Previous work experience.
  • An appreciation of different cultures

The deadline for applications is the 9 April 2012.
All applications should be made in English. Interviews will be conducted in English.

The Application Process

  1. Send your CV and a cover letter in English to Karin Biessenberger at EnOcean Human Resources by email:, + copy to: The cover letter should detail why you are applying for this job, and how you satisfy the criteria required. It should not be more than one side of A4. The deadline for applications is the April 9th 2012.
  2. During April selected candidates will be given informal telephone interviews conducted by representatives from HR, current Interns, and the EnOcean University Program.
  3. Towards the end of April, selected candidates will be given final telephone interviews conducted by HR and Technical Management.
  4. Offers will be made mid-May
  5. Start date: July 2011

For more information:

Please contact the Robert Owen, EnOcean University Program Manager: E-mail: Tel: +44-1992-584739

Company Information:

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Fastest: test case generation from Z specifications


Fastest is a tool that assist software engineers in generating test cases from Z specifications. It provides tool support for a method of model-based testing know as the Test Template Framework. The tool reads a Z specification written in LaTeX markup and waits for commands from the user. Users can apply testing tactics to partition the input space of Z operations thus creating testing trees. Later they can prune these trees to eliminate unsatisfiable test specifications. In a third step, a satisfiability algorithm can be run to find a test case for each leaf in a testing tree. Finally, it is possible to refine these test cases into programs to test the implementation of the Z specification. In this talk I will show how Fastest works on some toy examples and our current research efforts.



Maximiliano Cristiá is professor of Software Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) and head of the Software Engineering Group at CIFASIS (International Franco-Argentine Center for Information Sciences and Systems). His research interests include formal methods, particularly model-based testing, software architecture and tool development for the Software Engineer.


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