Rückblick: Quality Prediction for Speech-based Telecommunication Services [Slides, Video]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Sebastian Möller, Quality and usability lab, Telekom Innovation Labs, TU Berlin am 23.11.2012 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“http://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_moeller.mp4″]


Abstract: Speech-based services come in an ever increasing variety, and it becomes more and more difficult for system designers and service operators to ensure a sufficiently high quality, usability, and finally acceptance of these services. Whereas the ultimate way to measure quality is by asking test users, such empirical tests require a substantial effort in terms of time and money, and are thus commonly limited to an absolute minimum. One way to cope with this problem is to estimate the quality which will be perceived by the user on the basis of physically measurable quantities, such as speech signals, or parameters describing a spoken interaction.

In this talk, we will present approaches for prediction the quality and usability of speech-based services taking three common application examples: (1) Speech transmission services where overall quality as well as individual quality dimensions can be estimated from transmitted and reference speech signals; (2) synthesized-speech services where no reference is available but can be built artificially with the help of prior knowledge; as well as (3) spoken dialogue services where user behavior needs to be predicted, with the help of probabilities and rules. Small examples will underline the usefulness but also the limitations of the currently available approaches.

CV: Sebastian Möller was born in 1968 and studied electrical engineering at the universities of Bochum (Germany), Orléans (France) and Bologna (Italy). From 1994 to 2005, he held the position of a scientific researcher at the Institute of Communication Acoustics (IKA), Ruhr-University Bochum, and worked on speech signal processing, speech technology, communication acoustics, as well as on speech communication quality aspects. Since June 2005, he works at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin. He was appointed Professor at TU Berlin for the subject „Quality and Usability“ in April 2007, and heads the „Quality and Usability Lab“ at Telekom Innovation Laboratories.

He received a Doctor-of-Engineering degree at Ruhr-University Bochum in 1999 for his work on the assessment and prediction of speech quality in telecommunications. In 2000, he was a guest scientist at the Institut dalle Molle d’Intélligence Artificielle Perceptive (IDIAP) in Martigny (Switzerland) where he worked on the quality of speech recognition systems. He gained the qualification needed to be a professor (venia legendi) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Ruhr-University Bochum in 2004, with a book on the quality of telephone-based spoken dialogue systems. In September 2008, we worked as a Visiting Fellow at MARCS Auditory Laboratories, University of Western Sydney (Australia) on the evaluation of avatars. In November 2011, he was Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Granada (Spain), and from Februar to April 2012 Visiting Professor at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Be’er Sheva (Israel). He is currently Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra (Australia). His most recent book on „Quality Engineering“ was published in 2010.

Sebastian Möller was awarded the GEERS prize in 1998 for his interdisciplinary work on the analysis of infant cries for early hearing-impairment detection, the ITG prize of the German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) in 2001, the Lothar-Cremer prize of the German Acoustical Association (DEGA) in 2003, a Heisenberg fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2005, and the Johann Philipp Reis prize in 2009. Since 1997, he has taken part in the standardization activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) on transmission performance of telephone networks and terminals. He is currently acting as a Rapporteur for question Q.8/12.

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Rückblick: Quality of Experience: Past, Present and Future Trends [Slides, Video]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Touradj Ebrahimi, EPFL am 23.11.2012 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“http://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_ebrahimi.mp4″]


Abstract: With recent progress in networks, devices and interfaces, the traditional ways media has been produced, distributed and consumed have gone through major changes. This paradigm shift is expected to continue, giving birth to new products, services and business models, well beyond those implemented or even imagined today. One constant in all this change is the continuing pursuit of higher, richer and better user experience. Quality of Experience is believed by many to provide the right framework to achieve this goal.
This talk will start by providing a historical perspective of quality and how it has been evaluated in conventional and even current multimedia systems. We will then discuss different definitions of Quality of Experience and some of the models based on such definitions. The talk will then provide a number of illustrative examples of QoE definitions and models in concrete situations, namely, mobile 3D and mobile media consumption. We will then conclude with a discussion on majors trends and challenges in QoE.

CV: Touradj Ebrahimi is currently Professor at EPFL heading its Multimedia Signal Processing Group. He

is also adjunct Professor with the Center of Quantifiable Quality of Service at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). In 2001, he was the first to suggest the notion of Quality of Experience (QoE) be used in multimedia communication systems, and since has produced more than 50 publications on this topic. Prof. Ebrahimi is a co-founder of the International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), and serves as the chair of the European COST Action IC1003 (Qualinet), on quality of experience in multimedia systems and services. His other research interests include still, moving, and 3D image processing and coding, visual information security (rights protection, watermarking, authentication, data integrity, steganography), new media, and human computer interfaces (smart vision, brain computer interface). He is the author or the co-author of more than 200 research publications, and holds 14 patents. Prof. Ebrahimi is a member of IEEE, SPIE, ACM and IS&T.

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Rückblick: Teaching Concurrency and Nondeterminism with Spin [Video]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Mordechai Ben-Ari am 02.10.2012 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“http://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_benari02.mp4″]

Abstract: Spin is a model checker that is widely used for verification of concurrent and distributed systems. The talk will present techniques and tools for teaching concurrency and nondeterminism using Spin. Spin can replace concurrency simulators and can also generate scenarios that demonstrate errors like race conditions and starvation. The implementation of nondeterministic algorithms and finite automata in Spin will be described, together with the use of search diversity to demonstrate random algorithms and parallelism. The tools to be presented are: jSpin, a development environment for Spin; VMC, a tool that generates a diagram of the state space of a model; VN for visualizing nondeterminism; Erigone, a reimplementation of Spin designed for pedagogical use.

Short-Bio: Mordechai (Moti) Ben-Ari is a full professor in the Department of Science Teaching of the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he heads the computer science education group. He is the author of numerous textbooks, including Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Computation, and Mathematical Logic for Computer Science. His group, in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland, developed the Jeliot program animation system. In 2004, he received the ACM/SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computer Science Education, and in 2009 he was elected as a Distinguished Educator of the ACM.

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Rückblick: Latest Developments of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2, With a Focus on Streaming and Gradient Technologies [Slides, Pictures]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Cyril Concolato am 14.12.2012 beinhaltet die Folien und Bilder:



Abstract: Web technologies are used more prominently in multimedia applications. HTML5 is the flagship of these technologies but other techologies such as the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) standard take a growing part. The SVG standard is about be released in its version 2, providing advanced graphical tools and more integration with HTML5, enabling richer multimedia applications. This talk will present the new features of the standard, as well as the research work being carried to further improve it. A particular focus will be put on the research work done in the areas of gradient technologies, such as Gradient Meshes and Diffusion Curves, and in the area of animations and streaming.

Biography: Cyril Concolato is Associate Professor in the Multimedia Group at Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, where he received his master and doctoral degree in Computer Science in 2000 and 2007, respectively. His interests lie in interactive multimedia applications, in particular for the mobile, television and web worlds. He has been involved several collaborative projects (including European projects) and has published more than 30 papers in this area. He is also an active participant to the standardization bodies of MPEG and W3C. Finally, he is one of the project leaders of the Open Source project GPAC.

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Rückblick: Visual Programming and Visualization of Programming [Video]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Mordechai Ben-Ari am 01.10.2012 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“http://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_ben-ari.mp4″]

Abstract: Learning programming is a difficult task and many students fail to complete introductory computer science courses. The talk will describe our research into two approaches to improve learning of programming. Scratch is a visual programming environment intended for young people. They construct programs by dragging-and-dropping blocks labeled with commands and operations; the programs control the animation of sprites which provides a motivating context. We found that even middle-school students (age group 12-14) are capable of developing non-trivial software and, furthermore, they find it easier to learn professional programming languages when they reach secondary school. However, Scratch can cause students to develop bad programming habits that may be difficult to overcome and teachers must ensure that this doesn’t happen.

The other approach is to visualize the execution of programs written as text in professional programming languages. The Jeliot program animation system automatically generates detailed animations of programs written in the Java. Jeliot significantly facilitates learning because it provides a graphic display of the dynamic aspects of program execution that are hidden within the computer. An investigation into the use of Jeliot by secondary-school teachers showed a wide range of engagement, from full integration into the teaching practice to rejection caused by psychological factors.

Short CV: Mordechai (Moti) Ben-Ari is a full professor in the Department of Science Teaching of the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he heads the computer science education group. He is the author of numerous textbooks, including Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Computation, and Mathematical Logic for Computer Science. His group, in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland, developed the Jeliot program animation system. In 2004, he received the ACM/SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computer Science Education, and in 2009 he was elected as a Distinguished Educator of the ACM.

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Rückblick: Does Neurodidactics Imply Revolution, Evolution, Enrichment, or Provocation of Established Pedagogical Theories? [Video, Pictures]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Aadu Ott am 16.10.2012 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“http://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_ott.mp4″]



Abstract: This presentation will discuss questions like: “Why introduce neurodidactics?” “Why now?” “What will the consequences be?” A synthesis between pedagogy, psychology, powerful computers, molecular biology and neuroscience has resulted in development of different scanning technologies, which are based on modern physics. This has led to a paradigmatic change from external observations of human behaviour to internal studies of information processing, in vivo, in the human brain. “Will next generation of curricula for education have an underpinning in neurodidactics?” “Will neurodidactics change pedagogy from art to science?”

Short-Bio: Aadu Ott is professor emeritus in Science and Technology Education at the University of Göteborg in Sweden. He is dozent in physics, but has mainly been active in the field of education, including compulsory schools and teacher training. He has during 30 years cooperated with Deutsches Museum in München with in service training of teachers in the History of Technology. He has also done research on neurodidactics using fMRI equipment and has had contact with ZNL, TransferCenter für Neurowissenschaft und lernen in Ulm. The last two years he has worked with the National Agency for Higher Education within a reform program for teacher education. He is now active in a program at Chalmers University of Technology which aims at creating a new kind of courses for students in technology. These students will, after five years of studies, receive a combination exam, including civil engineering and a teacher diploma.

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Colloquium on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services

react to and perceive content and applications will inform and improve new applications and lead to better user experiences.

In this context the Förderverein Technische Fakultät and COST Action IC1003 QUALINET invites interested parties, specifically researchers, practitioners, and students to the Colloquium on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services. Additionally, the colloquium will hold as part of the research topic „Human Centered Computing and Design“ established at he Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. We are happy to announce the program as follows with distinguished speakers who are all in leading positions of the COST Action IC1003 QUALINET.
09:00-09:15: Welcome notice and introduction
09:15-10:00: Keynote on „Quality of Experience: Past, Present and Future trends“ by Touradj Ebrahimi, EPFL
10:00-10:30: Quality Prediction for Speech-based Telecommunication Servicesby Sebastian Möller, Quality and usability lab, Telekom Innovation Labs, TU Berlin
10:30-11:00: Quality of Experience of 3DTV and Beyond by Patrick Le Callet, Univ. of Nantes
11:00-11:15: Coffee break
11:15-11:45: Influence of Chromatic Information on QoE by Antonio Pinheiro, UBC, Portugal
11:45-12:15: Bitstream and hybrid-based video quality assessment for IPTV monitoring by Savvas Argyropoulos, Telekom Innovation Labs, TU Berlin
12:15-12:45: Machine Learning for objective QoE assessment: Science, Myths and a look to the future by Judith Redi, TU Delft
12:45-13:15: Overview of Qualinet multimedia databases by Karel Fliegel, Czech Technical University in Prague
13:15: Closing and lunch

The registration to this colloquium is free of charge and includes workshop attendance, coffee break, and lunch. However, you are required to send an email to Melissa.Aichholzer@aau.at (cc: christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at).

Related links:

Additional Information can be found here.
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Theorie, Praxis und Perspektiven der operationsbasierten formalen Schaltungsverifikation

Formale Methoden wenden mathematische Arbeitsweisen – wie Modellbildung oder das Beweisen wesent-licher Eigenschaften solcher Modelle – auf den Entwurf technischer Systeme an. Das Teilgebiet der formalen Verifikation beschäftigt sich mit dem Beweisen von Eigenschaften wichtiger Modelle. Als besonders wichtig gelten Endliche Automaten, denn diese beschreiben das Verhalten von Software- oder Hardwareimplemen-tierungen diskreter Steuerungen und damit von Schlüsselfunktionalität fast aller technischen Systeme.

Einführend wird der Stand der Kunst des Model Checking erläutert. Technischer Kern des Vortrags ist ein wesentlich anwendungsspezifischeres Verfahren, das durch ein VHDL-Programm beschriebenes Verhalten einer digitalen Schaltung lückenlos und automatisch mit einem abstrakten Automaten, einem abstrakten VHDL, vergleicht. Abstraktes VHDL ist eine Feinspezifikation der Schaltung durch ihre Operationen. Operationen formalisieren i.A. kurze Schaltungsaktivitäten wie Lese- oder Schreibzugriffe, Instruktionen oder Arbitrierungs-zyklen. Es wird erläutert, wie abstraktes VHDL erstellt, bezüglich der Grobspezifikation verifiziert, und dann mit dem VHDL automatisch verglichen wird. Dieser Vergleich zeigt Fehler in der Implementierung der Operationen an sowie Diagnosen zu ihrer Behebung. Automatische Überprüfung eines Kriteriums zur vollständigen Erfassung der Schaltungsfunktionalität durch Operationen garantiert Korrektheit des Codes.  

Es folgt eine kurze Darstellung der Anwendungs- und Prozessseite des Themas: Die operationsbasierte formale Schaltungsverifikation wurde in der zentralen Siemensforschung vor fast 20 Jahren konzipiert, bei Siemens, Infineon und weiteren Chipherstellern erprobt und schließlich in dem Spin-Off OneSpin Solutions zur Produkt-reife geführt. Der Ansatz garantierte Korrektheit zahlreicher VHDL-Programme einer Größenordnung von 100000 LoC – ein prominentes Beispiel ist der in der Automobilelektronik weit verbreitete TriCore-Prozessor von Infineon. Obwohl die Verifikationsproduktivität des Ansatzes mit der der simulationsbasierten Verifikation vergleichbar ist und auch „Nichtformalisten“ die Technik erfolgreich erlernen können, hat sich der Ansatz noch nicht in der Breite durchgesetzt. Auch die Übertragbarkeit des Erfolgsrezepts der operationsbasierten Modellierung auf andere Anwendungsbereiche wie die Fertigungstechnik wurde bisher kaum untersucht.

Der Vortrag schließt mit der Analyse der Erfolgsfaktoren für den Breiteneinsatz der operationsbasierten Schal-tungsverifikation und schildert mögliche nächste Schritte. Vielversprechend erscheint eine weitere Nutzung von abstraktem VHDL für die funktionale Sicherheitsanalyse einer Schaltung. Während Verifikation Entwurfs-fehler aufspürt, beschäftigt sich die Sicherheitsanalyse mit zufälligen Fehlern, verursacht etwa durch Alterungs-prozesse oder durch Strahlungseinflüsse, und so möglichen schwerwiegenden Systemausfällen. Es wird skizziert, wie mithilfe des abstrakten VHDL eine Sicherheitsanalyse für Schaltungen konzipiert und so eine Brücke zwischen formaler Verifikation und funktionaler Sicherheitsanalyse geschlagen wurde.

Kurz-Bio: Wolfram Büttner promovierte 1978 in Mathematik an der Tulane University in New Orleans, habilitierte in diesem Fach an der TU Darmstadt und wechselte dann in die Informatik. Seit 1989 ist er Außerplanmäßiger Professor an der TU Kaiserslautern. Von 1984 bis 2002 arbeitete Dr. Büttner in den Corporate Technology Labs (CT) von Siemens in München – zuletzt als Abteilungsdirektor mit Verantwortung für die Themengebiete formale Methoden, diskrete und stochastische Optimierung sowie Lernende Systeme. Seit 2000 fokussierte Dr. Büttner seine Tätigkeit auf die formale Schaltungsverifikation und führte die Verifikationstechnologie von CT zur Produktreife und auf den canadian pharmacy no prescription Markt – erst bei Infineon und ab 2005 in zwei Start-Up’s.


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Latest Developments of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2, with a Focus on Streaming and Gradient Technologies

Web technologies are used more prominently in multimedia applications. HTML5 is the flagship of these technologies but other techologies such as the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) standard take a growing part. The SVG standard is about be released in its version 2, providing advanced graphical tools and more integration with HTML5, enabling richer multimedia applications. This talk will present the new features of the standard, as well as the research work being carried to further improve it. A particular focus will be put on the research work done in the areas of gradient technologies, such as Gradient Meshes and Diffusion Curves, and in the area of animations and streaming.
Cyril Concolato is Associate Professor in the Multimedia Group at Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, where he received his master and doctoral degree in Computer Science in 2000 and 2007, respectively. His interests lie in interactive multimedia applications, in particular for the mobile, television and web worlds. He has been involved several collaborative projects (including European projects) and has published more than 30 papers in this area. He is also an active participant to the standardization bodies of MPEG and W3C. Finally, he is one of the project leaders of the Open Source project GPAC.

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Stellenausschreibungen: SAPalot IT-Consulting GmbH

Die SAPalot IT-Consulting GmbH ist ein Kärntner IT-Beratungsunternehmen, das seine Kunden seit 2005 im Umfeld betriebswirtschaftlicher Standardsoftware unterstützt. Unser Schwerpunkt dabei liegt auf dem Bereich SAP, in dem wir individuelle Lösungen erarbeiten und innovative Produkte konzipieren. Außerdem vertreibt und implementiert SAPalot als SAP Partner Business One – die führende ERP-Lösung für KMUs.

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir eine/n:

  • (Junior) Consultant SAP (m/w) – Vollzeit [PDF]
  • (Junior) Entwickler (m/w) – Vollzeit [PDF]
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen per E-Mail an jobs@sapalot.at.
(Junior) Consultant SAP (m/w) – Vollzeit

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Zusammen mit erfahrenen Consultants führen Sie Kundenprojekte im Bereich SAP Netweaver oder Business One durch;
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Wir bieten Ihnen einen interessanten Job in einem jungen, motivierten Team mit herausfordernden und vielseitigen Aufgabenstellungen und Weiter- bildungsmöglichkeiten in den neuesten Technologiebereichen.

Aus gesetzlichen Gründen weisen wir darauf hin, dass das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt dieser Position bei € 2.115,00 brutto/Monat (ST1/RS) liegt. Je nach Qualifizierung ist die Möglichkeit zur Überzahlung gegeben.

(Junior) Entwickler (m/w) – Vollzeit
Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Sie erlernen die spezifischen Grundlagen der SAP Entwicklung in ABAP oder .NET im Rahmen eines internen Trainee-Programms;
  • Gemeinsam mit erfahrenen Beratern konzipieren Sie in Kunden- projekten individuelle Lösungen;
  • Sie setzen in unserem Team selbständig Anforderungen im SAP ERP- oder Business One-Bereich um.

Ihr Profil:

  • Sie sind Jungabsolvent(in) einer Universität oder Fachhochschule oder besitzen einen HTL-Abschluss mit mehrjähriger Berufs- erfahrung;
  • Sie besitzen umfassende Erfahrung in der objektorientieren Entwicklung (Java, .NET, C++);
  • Sie haben bereits Erfahrungen im Software-Entwurf und der Architektur von Informationssystemen gesammelt;
  • Sie verfügen über analytisches Denkvermögen, Flexibilität, sowie ein hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative;
  • Sie besitzen Bereitschaft zu fallweisen In- und Auslandsreisen;
  • Sie zeichnen sich durch soziale Kompetenz und ausgeprägte Teamorientierung aus sowie durch Zuverlässigkeit und Sorgfalt, auch unter Belastung.

Wir bieten Ihnen einen interessanten Job in einem jungen, motivierten Team mit herausfordernden und vielseitigen Aufgabenstellungen und Weiter- bildungsmöglichkeiten in den neuesten Technologiebereichen.

Aus gesetzlichen Gründen weisen wir darauf hin, dass das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt dieser Position bei € 2.115,00 brutto/Monat (ST1/RS) liegt.

Je nach Qualifizierung ist die Möglichkeit zur Überzahlung gegeben.

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