Video Compression beyond HEVC: Coding Tools for SDR and 360-degree Video

Dr.-Ing. Mathias Wien, RWTH Aachen University | May 14, 2018 | 16:00 | E.2.42

Abstract: In October 2017, ISO/IEC JCT1 SC29/WG11 MPEG and ITU-T SG16/Q6 VCEG have jointly published a Call for Proposals on Video Compression with Capability beyond HEVC and its current extensions. It is targeting at a new generation of video compression technology that has substantially higher compression capability than the existing HEVC standard. The responses to the call are evaluated in April 2018, forming the kick-off for a new standardization activity in the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) of VCEG and MPEG, with a target of finalization by the end of the year 2020. Three categories of video are addressed: Standard dynamic range video (SDR), high dynamic range video (HDR), and 360° video. While SDR and HDR cover variants of conventional video to be displayed e.g. on a suitable TV screen at very high resolution (UHD), the 360° category targets at videos capturing a full-degree surround view of the scene. This enables an immersive video experience with the possibility to look around in the rendered scene, e.g. when viewed using a head-mounted display. This application triggers various technical challenges which need to be addressed in terms of compression, encoding, transport, and rendering. The talk summarizes the current state of the complete standardization project. Focussing on the SDR and 360° video categories, it highlights the development of selected coding tools compared to the state of the art. Representative examples of the new technological challenges as well as corresponding proposed solutions are presented.

Wien_webBio: Mathias Wien received the Diploma and Dr.-Ing. degrees from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 1997 and 2004, respectively. He currently works as a senior research scientist, head of administration, and lecturer, at the Institute of Communication Engineering of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research interests include image and video processing, immersive, space-frequency adaptive and scalable video compression, and robust video transmission. With respect to standardization, Mathias has contributed to ITU-T VCEG, ISO/IEC MPEG, as well as their collaborative teams, the Joint Video Experts Team, the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), and the Joint Video Team (JVT), in the standardization work towards the successor of HEVC, HEVC, and AVC, respectively. In standardization, he has co-chaired and coordinated several AdHoc groups as well as tool- and core experiments. He has authored and co-authored more than 60 conference and journal papers in the area of video coding,  as well as 18 granted patents. He has published the Springer textbook “High Efficiency Video Coding: Coding Tools and Specification”, which fully covers Version 1 of HEVC. Mathias is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.


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Evaluating Recommender Systems for Software Engineers – Lessons Learned

Massimiliano Di Penta | April 4, 2018 | 13:30 | E 2.42

Abstract: The availability of a wide variety of software repositories, ranging from Questions and Answer forums to mailing lists, forges and issue trackers opens the road for building recommender systems aimed at supporting developers in their activities. Upon evaluating such recommenders, in most cases researchers focus on the underlying approach capability of providing accurate and complete results.
In this seminar I will report our experience in evaluating recommenders, showing that an offline evaluation of the approach precision and recall is only a very preliminary starting point. Importantly, different kinds of evaluations having different size and level of control, and above all involving humans, are required to achieve results able to convince practitioners of the actual usefulness and applicability of a tool. Moreover, I will discuss how context plays a paramount role in the empirical evaluation of recommender systems.

dipentaBio: Massimiliano Di Penta is associate professor at the University of Sannio, Italy. His research interests include software maintenance and evolution, mining software repositories, empirical software engineering, search-based software engineering, and testing. He is author of over 250 papers appeared in international journals, conferences and workshops, and received various awards for his research and reviewing activity, including two most influential paper awards (SANER 2017 and GECCO 2015) and three ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards (ICSE, FSE and ASE). He serves and has served in the organizing and program committees of over 100 conferences such as ICSE, FSE, ASE, ICSME, ICST, MSR, SANER, ICPC, GECCO, WCRE, and others. He is currently member of the steering committee of ICSME, MSR, and PROMISE. Previously, he has been steering committee member of other conferences, including ICPC, SSBSE, CSMR, SCAM, and WCRE. He is in the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, the Empirical Software Engineering Journal edited by Springer, and of the Journal of Software: Evolution and Processes edited by Wiley. He has served the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.


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Developer Meetup Kärnten: Docker (4. April 2018)

Developer Meetup Kärnten lädt zum Vortrag bzw. Diskussion zum Thema Docker ein.

„Als Gast dürfen wir diesmal Mario Kleinsasser von der Firma STRABAG begrüßen, der uns von seinem Arbeitsalltag mit Docker berichten wird. Mario hat vor kurzem das Docker South Austria Meetup ins Leben gerufen, weil er bereits seit Jahren mit Linux Container Technologien arbeitet und nun gerne einen Wissensaustausch anstoßen möchte.“

Wann: Mittwoch, 4. April 2018, 18:00 bis 21:00

Wo: Otelo Villach, Kaiser-Josef-Platz 3, Villach

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten und zwar hier.

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OpenTechTable #15 Kubernetes und Domain Specific Hacking

opentechtableWir freuen uns auf das 15. OpenTechTable meeting im März und laden alle recht herzlich dazu ein.

Herzlicher Dank gilt unserem Host Alturos Destinations im Lakeside B03 für die Bereitstellung der Räumlichkeiten und den Vortragenden Gerhard Schaden sowie Marcel Bricman.

Es erwarten uns zwei hoch interessante Themen.

  • Gerhard wird sein umfangreiches Praxiswissen über das Verwalten und deployen von containerized applications sowie Erfahrungswerte zum Einsatz von Docker mit uns teilen.
  • Marcel präsentiert wie Alturos mit SLED die gesamte Infrastruktur möglichst barrierefrei an die Fingerspitzen ihrer Entwickler bringt. Das macht anderenfalls prohibitiv komplexe Entwicklung kostengünstig und agil. Besonders QA, Operations und Prototyping profitieren davon im saisonalen Spitzenlastbetrieb.

Wie immer bitten wir um eine Anmeldung beim Facebook Event um die Teilnehmerzahl abschätzen zu können.


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Review: Is Your Software Development Process Green? [Slides]

The review of the TEWI colloquia of Csaba Szabó from February 7, 2018 comprises the slides.



Like with Bio products, the world is developing to become a more nature-aware ecosystem. The green initiative defines two main goals: reduce energy consumption and use basic natural sources in electrical energy production.

This lecture focuses on energy consumption of working software and its development processes, where each development phase plays a significant role. Considering any software development process, the energy is being consumed while problem analysis, constructing and evaluating the code as well. Software or hardware tools have to be used to implement energy consumption monitoring for software run at the top of selected operating systems and for evaluation of the energy consumption. Usual usage scenarios are to monitor energy usage of selected software. We will also look at the possibility to use these tools to measure how green is the process that produced the programs.


CsabaCsaba SZABÓ is Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Computers and Informatics of the Fac. of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (FEEaI) at Technical University of Kosice. He graduated (MSc.) with distinction at the Dept. of Computers and Informatics of the Fac. of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (FEEaI) at Technical University of Kosice in 2003. He obtained his PhD. in Program- and Information Systems at the FEEaI at Technical University of Kosice in 2007. Since 2006 he is affiliated with the Dept. of Computers and Informatics, FEEaI, Technical University of Kosice. Currently he is involved in research in the field of behavioral description of software, information systems and web services, software and test evolution, and testing and evaluation of software.

He is a member of the John von Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT, Hungary) and the Slovak Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics (SSAKI). Currently he is also leading the ERASMUS+ KA203 – Strategic partnership for higher education project No. 2017-1-SK01-KA203-035402: „Focusing Education on Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software“.

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Is Your Process Development Process Green?

Ing. Csaba Szabó PhD. | February 7, 2018 | 10 am | L1.0.14


Like with Bio products, the world is developing to become a more nature-aware ecosystem. The green initiative defines two main goals: reduce energy consumption and use basic natural sources in electrical energy production.

This lecture focuses on energy consumption of working software and its development processes, where each development phase plays a significant role. Considering any software development process, the energy is being consumed while problem analysis, constructing and evaluating the code as well. Software or hardware tools have to be used to implement energy consumption monitoring for software run at the top of selected operating systems and for evaluation of the energy consumption. Usual usage scenarios are to monitor energy usage of selected software. We will also look at the possibility to use these tools to measure how green is the process that produced the programs.


CsabaCsaba SZABÓ is Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Computers and Informatics of the Fac. of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (FEEaI) at Technical University of Kosice. He graduated (MSc.) with distinction at the Dept. of Computers and Informatics of the Fac. of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (FEEaI) at Technical University of Kosice in 2003. He obtained his PhD. in Program- and Information Systems at the FEEaI at Technical University of Kosice in 2007. Since 2006 he is affiliated with the Dept. of Computers and Informatics, FEEaI, Technical University of Kosice. Currently he is involved in research in the field of behavioral description of software, information systems and web services, software and test evolution, and testing and evaluation of software.

He is a member of the John von Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT, Hungary) and the Slovak Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics (SSAKI). Currently he is also leading the ERASMUS+ KA203 – Strategic partnership for higher education project No. 2017-1-SK01-KA203-035402: „Focusing Education on Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software“.

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Review: Affective Personalization: from Psychology to Algorithms [Slides]

The review of the TEWI colloquia ofDr. Marko Tkalčič from December 21, 2017 comprises the slides.



The talk will cover the research carried out by the author in the domain of psychologically-driven personalized systems. In order to be truly personalized a system needs to understand the user. Current systems employ data-driven models, such as recommendations based on past ratings, clicks or purchases. However, psychologically-grounded models appear to have potential for better personalized systems. The author will cover models of emotions and personality, the unobtrusive acquisition thereof through social media crawling, video processing and machine learning and their use in personalization algorithms.


tkalcicMarko Tkalčič is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University in Bolzano, Italy. He received his PhD from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana in 2011. After a postdoc at the University of Ljubljana, he worked as a postdoc at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria from 2013 to 2015. From 2016 he is with the Free University of Bolzano. His research explores ways in which psychologically-motivated user characteristics, such as emotions and personality, can be used to improve personalized systems. It employs methods such as user studies and machine learning.

Dr. Tkalčič has published in prestigious journals, such as Elsevier Information Sciences and Springer UMUAI. He has presented at venues, such as RecSys and UMAP. Recently he edited the book Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems with Springer. He is active in organizing conferences (RecSys 2017, UMAP 2017) and workshops (EMPIRE, SOAP, HUMANIZE), editing special issues, and reviewing for prestigious journals, conferences and grant bodies. He is a member of the editorial board of the UMUAI journal.

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Rückblick: Winter Game Jam

Der 1st Winter Game Jam an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt startete am Freitag, dem 15. Dezember mit zwei Fokusvorträgen und der anschließenden Bekanntgabe des Themas. Drei Wörter „Create, Star & Conversion“ führten zu 13 Gruppen, die bis Sonntag Abend an ihren Spielen arbeiteten . Der Game Jam war mit 70 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der bisher Größte in Klagenfurt. Die Bandbreite der entstandenen Spiele zeugt von der Interdisziplinarität und Diversität des Publikums: Es gab unter anderem ein Brettspiel, Strategiespiele & Simulatoren, einen Acht-Personen-Multiplay-Shooter, Jump & Runs und interactive Stories. Alle 13 Spiele können hier gespielt bzw. heruntergeladen werden. Fotos vom Event finden sich auf Flickr und Videos auf YouTube. Die Rückmeldungen waren durchwegs positiv und viele Jammerinnen und Jammer planen beim nächsten Mal wieder mitzumachen.

1st Winter Game Jam

Der Termin für den nächsten Jam ist bereits fixiert und die Freiwilligen für das Organisationsteam haben sich auch wieder gefunden. Der 5th Klagenfurt Game Jam findet vom 27.-29. April 2018 statt.

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Kostwein: Offene Stellen

kostwein-logoWir sind ein international erfolgreicher Zulieferer im Maschinenbau mit mehr als 1100 Mitarbeiter/innen.
Kostwein Qualität aus Österreich – weltweit im Einsatz!

Unsere Kunden, durchwegs Weltmarktführer in den verschiedensten Branchen des Maschinenbaues, setzen auf Qualität und Know-How von Kostwein. Wir setzen Maßstäbe in der Präzisionsfertigung, Montage und Logistik von Einzelteilen, Modulen und kompletten Maschinen für die globale Zusammenarbeit im Build-to-Print Business.

  • Praktikum Industrie 4.0 / Digitalisierung [PDF]
  • Praktikum Intralogistik [PDF]
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Frohe Weihnachten und viel Erfolg für 2018


Der Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt wünscht allen Mitgliedern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Start in ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2018!

Aktuelle Hinweise

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