OpenTechTable #18 TensorFlow and Vault (Encryption as a Service)

After a longer break, we are happy to invite everyone to the 18th edition of the OpenTechTable on July 11th. Our host this time will be Dynatrace Austria (Lakeside B08a, 1st floor).

We will be having two interesting presentations again:

Bruno Hautzenberger, will be talking about TensorFlow and provide some samples to get you started with Machine Learning.

Daniel Hölbling-Inzko will introduce you to Vault and how it can help you secure your applications while avoiding the common pitfalls of application security.

We are looking forward to meeting all of you and would like to thank Dynatrace Austria for hosting the event in their Klagenfurt lab.

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MEMS microfabrication-part 2: Back-end

Dr. Ali Roshanghias | June 25, 2019 | 10:30 | B04.1.06


In this talk, the back-end processing and integration technologies of MEMS devices will be addressed. Unlike electronics IC packaging, MEMS packaging in not well-established, is expensive (up to 80% of the product total cost and is custom-built. Here, we will introduce the basics of MEMS packaging in different levels of integrations. The common backend processes will be covered in this talk such as wafer dicing, wafer thinning, wafer bonding, molding and over-molding, die-attach, solder bumping and wire bonding, etc. We will also briefly introduce the state of the art and future trends of MEMS packaging and some terminologies such as 3D integration with and without TSVs, FOLWP, C2C, C2W, W2W, SiP, SiB, for MEMS integration will be described.


Dr. Ali Roshanghias is currently a senior researcher and project manager in the field of MEMS packaging at CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG. He recieved his PhD in materials science and technology from Sharif university of technology, Iran at 2012. Afterwards he pursued his career as a post-doc fellow at Nagaoka university of technology, Japan and Vienna universtity, Austria in the field of electronic materials and packaging. In 2015 he joined the CTR Carinthian Tech Research, Austria as a material scientist in the field of heterogeneous integration technologies and MEMS/ Power packaging. He has published over 30 papers on materials synthesis and characterization and is a verified peer-reviewer of Elsevier science.

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On-the-fly Collaboration for Legacy Business Process Systems in An Open Service Environment

Prof. Liang ZHANG (Leon) Ph.D | July 5, 2019 | 10:00 | S.2.69


Dynamic, distributed and open business forces enterprises to support various critical requirements, such as, timely reacting to changes, properly reusing business assets and smoothly collaborating with external partners. Existing approaches focus on mechanisms dealing with heterogeneity, but there is a lack of frameworks enabling legacy business processes performing collaboration in an open service environment. This paper proposes the L2L service framework featuring reactive IoT event messaging and coordinator-based collaborating between autonomous enterprises. Along with the emerging of coordinators, L2L empowers on-the-fly business process collaboration with dynamic changes. We present our experiments with a real-world scenario from the shipping industry of China.


Liang Zhang is a Professor of Computer Science at Fudan University, China. He received B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Wuhan University, China. He has published over 70 journal and conference papers concerning multimedia databases, digital library, web services, and recently business process management (BPM). He is a Steering Committee Member of ICSOC, and has been the PC co-Chair of ICSOC 2013, General co-Chair of ICSOC 2012, publicity co-chair of BPM 2011, program co-chair of CBPM 2011, and NDBC 2011. His current research interests include XaaS infrastructure for CPS, and collaborative workflows for instant virtual organizations. He has been collaborating with Jianwen Su’s group at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Jian Yang’s group at Macquarie University, and Marlon Dumas at Tartu University. Recently, he collaborates with Prof. Hong-Linh Truong Aalto University, Finland, for IoT/BPM integration research. Dr. Zhang’s research has been supported by NSFC and other national agencies.

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Robotik Workshop „Summer of Robots Vol. 3“ 23.-25.07.2019

Robotik Workshop für Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 12 bis 16 Jahren

Datum und Ort:
23.07.2019 – 25.07.2019 jeweils von 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr
wissens.wert.welt Klagenfurt, Primoschgasse 3, 9020 Klagenfurt


Anmeldeschluss ist der 30.06.2019

Weitere Infos zum Workshop und zur Anmeldung!


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Das Institut ROBOTICS der JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH befasst sich mit zukunftsweisender Robotik und deren Anwendungen. An unserem
Standort im Lakeside Science & Technology Park in Klagenfurt vergeben wir ab
sofort folgende Positionen:

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung (Motivationsschreiben,
Lebenslauf) per E-Mail an

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Teaching about AR and Teaching with AR

PD Dr. Ralf Klamma | June 17, 2019 | 16:00 | S.2.42


Augmented Reality (AR) is on the way to establishing itself in business and teaching once more. However, there is a lack of uniform guidelines or even standards both in the creation of teaching materials and in the use of AR in teaching. In addition, the industry needs enough well-trained specialists who can implement the established AR concepts, making a transfer from university to industry necessary. Therefore, in this talk we address both challenges in teaching with AR and the special needs of teaching about AR.

As teaching with AR will surely advance human performance and also brings in new perspectives with the communication, coordination and collaboration of AR in supporting human performance. As computer scientists, we have a European, interdisciplinary and application-oriented perspective, as our experience comes from several funded European projects in these areas. We also incorporate new incentives into teaching contexts in our framework, such as gamification, learning analytics and experience capturing. In addition, we refer to international standardization efforts such as IEEE ARLEM.

Teaching about AR adopts a multi-perspective view. First, there is scientific and technological basic knowledge helping to understand the underlying physical and technical principles. Second, there is engineering and design knowledge to master the creation, fabrication, and utilization of AR in many ways. Third, there is the necessary pedagogical knowledge to transform these complex settings in manageable teaching scenarios and processes, e.g. for higher education curricula.

Here, teaching AR can learn from traditions of science and engineering education as well as from more recent knowledge about computer science education. Examples from recent and on-going European projects will illustrate the argumentation.


Ralf Klamma holds diploma, doctoral and habilitation degrees in computer science from RWTH Aachen University. He leads the research group “advanced community information systems” (ACIS) at the information systems chair, RWTH Aachen University. He is known for his work in major EU projects for Technology Enhanced Learning (PROLEARN, GALA, ROLE, Learning Layers, TELMAP, Tellnet, CUELC, SAGE, BOOST, VIRTUS and WEKIT).

Ralf organized doctoral summer schools & conferences in Technology Enhanced Learning, Web Engineering and Social Network Analysis. He serves as associate editor for Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), Frontiers of AI for Human Learning and Behavior Change and the International Journal on Interaction Design & Architecture(s) (IxD&A).

He was associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (ToLT). His research interests are community information systems, serious games, augmented reality & wearables, web engineering, social network analysis, requirements engineering and technology enhanced learning.


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Review: Why AI is shaping our games [Video][Slides]

The review of the TEWI colloquium of Dr. Johanna Pirker from May 16, 2019 comprises the video and slides (below):


AI is used to create parts of our games. It provides intelligent enemy behavior, techniques such as pathfinding or can be used to generate in-game content procedurally. AI can also play our games. The idea to train computers to beat humans in game-like environments such as Jeopardy!, Chess, or soccer is not a new one. But can AI also design our games? The role of Artificial Intelligence in the game development process is constantly expanding. In this talk, Dr. Pirker will talk about the importance of AI in the past, the present, and especially the future of game development.


Dr. Johanna Pirker is researcher at the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at Graz University of Technology (TUG). She finished her Master’s Thesis during a research visit at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) working on collaborative virtual world environments. In 2017, she finished her doctoral dissertation in computer science on motivational environments under the supervision of Christian Gütl (TUG) and John Belcher (MIT). She specialized in games and environments that engage users to learn, train, and work together through motivating tasks. She has long-lasting experience in game design and development, as well as virtual world development and has worked in the video game industry at Electronic Arts. Her research interests include AI, data analysis, immersive environments (VR), games research, gamification strategies, HCI, e-learning, CSE, and IR. She has authored and presented numerous publications in her field and lectured at universities such as Harvard, Berlin Humboldt Universität, or the University of Göttingen. Johanna was listed on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list of science professionals.

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Sensolligent: Open Positions / Offene Stellen

We are hiring!

Sensolligent entwickelt digitale Zwillinge zur Prozessoptimierung und AR/ VR Anwendungen im Industriebereich. Die Simulatoren und Apps finden ihren Einsatz in:

  • Vertrieb & Marketing
  • Planung
  • Steuerung & Optimierung
  • Wartung

Sensolligent punktet vor allem durch hohe und rasche Lösungskompetenz und dem tiefen Verständnis der Bedürfnisse von Industriebetrieben.

Das Unternehmen verfügt über ein eigenes Customer Experience Center, in welchem AR/VR Technologien der letzten Generation getestet werden können.



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Review: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in media applications and services [Video][Slides]

The review of the TEWI colloquium of Dr.-Ing. Christian Keimel  from May 9, 2019 comprises the video and slides (below):

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is nowadays used frequently in many application domains. Although sometimes considered only as an afterthought in the public discussion compared to other domains such as health, transportation, and manufacturing, the media domain is also transformed by AI enabling new opportunities, from content creation e.g. “robojournalism” and individualised content to optimisation of the content production and distribution. Underlaying many of these new opportunities is the use of AI in its current reincarnation as deep learning for understanding the audio-visual content by extracting structured information from the unstructured data, the audio-visual content.

In this talk the current understanding and trends of AI will therefore be discussed, what can be done, what is done, and what challenges remain in the use of AI especially in the context of media applications and services. The talk is not so much focused on the details and fundamentals of deep learning, but rather on a practical perspective on how recent advances in this field can be utilised in use-cases in the media domain, especially with respect to audio-visual content and in the broadcasting domain.

Bio: Christian Keimel received his B.Sc and Dipl.-Ing.(Univ.) in information technology from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2005 and 2007, respectively. In 2014 he received a Dr.-Ing. degree from TUM for his dissertation on the “Design of video quality metrics with multi-way data analysis.” Since 2013 he is with the Institut for Rundfunktechnik (IRT), the research and competence centre of the public service broadcasters of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, where he leads the machine learning team, working on the applications of machine learning and AI in the broadcasting context. In addition, he is a lecturer at TUM for “Deep Learning for Multimedia”. His current research interests include applications of data-driven models using machine learning particularly deep learning for audio-visual content understanding and distribution optimisation.

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Review: Estimating Space-Time Covariance from Finite Sample Sets [Slides]

The review of the TEWI colloquium of Dr. Stephan Alexander Weiss from May 22, 2019 comprises the slides (below):


Covariance matrices are central to many adaptive filtering and optimisation problems. In practice, they have to be estimated from a finite number of samples; on this, I will review some known results from spectrum estimation and multiple-input multiple-output communications systems, and how properties that are assumed to be inherent in covariance and power spectral densities can easily be lost in the estimation process. I will discuss new results on space-time covariance estimation, and how the estimation from finite sample sets will impact on factorisations such as the eigenvalue decomposition, which is often key to solving the introductory optimisation problems. The purpose of the presentation is to give you some insight into estimating statistics as well as to provide a glimpse on classical signal processing challenges such as the separation of sources from a mixture of signals.

Stephan Weiss. I am a Professor at the University of Strathclyde and head its Centre for Signal & Image Processing. My particular interests are adaptive filtering and array signal processing.

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