OpenTechTable #20: Winter Edition

When: Nov 13, 2019; 19:00 | Where: Anexia (Feldkirchner Str. 140, 9020 Klagenfurt)

We are happy to invite everyone to the 20th edition of the OpenTechTable on November 13th. Our host this time will be Anexia (Feldkirchner Str. 140, 9020 Klagenfurt).

Our speakers this time will be:

  • Umberto D’Ovidio – Sharing frontend and backend code with NX
  • Peter Pfaffeneder – Introduction to Arduino Hardware Hacking

As always, we are looking forward to meeting all of you and would like to thank Anexia for hosting the event in their Klagenfurt Office.

If you have an interesting presentation and want to speak at the OTT please reach out to us – we are always looking for future speakers!


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