Computer aided engineering of magnetic sensor systems

Dr. Michael Ortner | November 23, 2018 | 2 pm| L4.1.02 (IKT-LAB)

In the last decade, industrial fabrication of magnetic sensors has greatly improved producing ever cheaper and more reliable sensors. Consequently magnetic sensor systems have been developed for multiple applications that include current sensors, position and orientation sensors, compass applications, geomagnetic survey and others. Specific applications in modern automobiles include e.g. shift fork position detection, speed sensors, ABS sensors, steering wheel angle sensors, gas and break padel sensors and powertrain current sensors.

It is the aim of this lecture to provide a fundamental understanding of the working principles of such sensor systems and to discuss design difficulties. Computer aided design of magnetic sensor systems based on numerical methods and analytical implementations is discussed. Practical examples from industrial projects are shown.

Michael Ortner received the degree in theoretical physics from the Technical University of Vienna and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Innsbruck. In 2012, he started as a Researcher at the CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG Institute, working on magnetics and magnetic sensors with a focus on analytical approaches and numerical simulation.

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