IEEE Student Branch Meeting Wednesday, March 6, 6pm

We, that are currently mostly PhD students at the Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems, have founded an IEEE student branch with the intention to create a platform for students of the technical faculties to organize themselves.

We cordially invite you to join us at a meeting in which we would like to introduce ourselves and point out how the Student Branch may be of interest to you and how, if you like, to


The Student Branch Klagenfurt is a unit of the IEEE, the world’s largest institution for engineers with approx. 400,000 members. The general idea of the Branch is to organize events – from students, for students. Such events may be social events to get to know people, workshops, presentations to learn new stuff, presentations from companies if you are looking for a job, or whatever you may find to be important.

All students and PhD students are welcomed to participate in the IEEE Student Branch Klagenfurt. We would like to inform you about what we’ve been up to and invite you to help in forming a successful IEEE Student Branch. It is of particular concern that students may profit from the branch and are interested to participate in organizing events and taking responsibilities. We invite you to a meeting on Wednesday, March 06th, 6pm in room L4.1.01 (Lakeside Park). We will organize drinks so nobody has to die of thirst. If you can’t make it on time, please feel free to join us later for a drink.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.


Torsten Andre

Chair Student Branch Klagenfurt

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