Introduction to the TH-1A Supercomputer in the Tianjin National Supercomputer Center

Supercomputing has drawn significant attention from the research and industry communities. The reasons are multidimensional, including the advance of computer technology, the merging of large-scale applications, and needs of national defense. However, designing high performance, high efficiency and high security supercomputers has been proven to be a hard task.

In this talk, Prof. Zhang introduces the TH-1A supercomputer, which was developed by the College of Computer Science of NUDT (National University of Defense Technology). The peak speed of TH-1A is 4700 TFLOPS, the LINPACK test result is 2566 TFLOPS, and it was ranked No. 1 on the TOP 500 list released in November 2010. The architecture which integrates GPUs and CPUs for high-performance parallel comp

uting is exploited for the first time in the world. The whole system consists of two major components: hardware system and software system. For the hardware system, the TH-1A team developed 3 large-scale integrated circuit designs, 4 kinds of nodes, 2 networks, and 15 different PCB boards. Accordingly, the operating system, the compiling system, the parallel programming environment, and the scientific virtualization system were developed for the software system. The TH-1A supercomputer has been used in many applications, including oil exploration, high-end equipment development, bio-medical research, 3D animation, cloud computing, and so on.

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