Driven by the emergence of mobile and pervasive computing there is a growing demand for context-aware software systems that can dynamically adapt to their run-time environment. This talk will present some results of projects MADAM and QuA which has delivered comprehensive solutions for the development and operation of context-aware, self-adaptive applications. The main contributions of these projects are sophisticated middlewares that support the dynamic adaptation of component-based applications, and an innovative model-driven development methodology which is based on abstract adaptation models and corresponding model-to-code transformations. The talk will focus on the support for application adaptivity at the middleware level, and our experiences with a few real-world case studies that were built using the MADAM and QuA approaches.
ank Eliassen is a professor and leader of the research group on networks and distributed systems at the University of Oslo. He is also a senior researcher and project manager at Simula Research Laboratory. He received his degrees from the University of Tromsø in 1979. He has been doing research in the area of distributed systems since the early 80’s and on multimedia streaming since 1994. In later years he has mainly been working on adaptation middleware, focusing on support for self-adaptation of QoS-aware applications and services, applied to the application areas multimedia streaming, mobile computing and Grid computing. He has been a member of the program committees of many renowned conferences, he has been the project manager of many RCN projects and participated in many European projects. He has published more than 100 academic papers.