Innovating Enterprise Innovation


Innovation is one of the key enablers for European enterprises to compete in global markets. The term ‘innovation’ is constantly used in speeches of managers, politicians, public administrators. However, in the large majority of cases, the term is used as a generic ‚place holder‘, a sort of container whose actual content is left to the intuition. For this reason it is important to deeply elaborate, specifically on the notion of Enterprise Innovation, to better understand the essence and meaning of innovation.

Innovation stems from a virtuous mix of intuition, creativity, and a solid background knowledge. Each innovation endeavour has its own characteristics, largely different from previous experiences. It falls in the category of ‘wicked problems’, i.e., problems difficult to solve because of incomplete, fuzzy, changing requirements. Nevertheless, there are recurring patterns and it is possible to conceive systematic methods, and supporting information systems, to promote and manage innovation avoiding the risk to close it in a ‘cage’, risking depressing the fundamental creativity and fantasy. This talk will present an innovative framework for enterprise innovation that includes a methodology and an innovation management platform which is based on an generic behavioural pattern (i.e., independent of the industrial sector), a strong knowledge orientation, and an innovation monitoring system funded on a number of Key Performance Indicators, to constantly keep the progress of the innovation project under control.

Michele MissikoffFounder and Scientific Advisor of the Laboratory of Enterprise and Knowledge Systems, and past Director of Research, at IASI (Institute for Systems Analysis and Informatics) of the CNR, Italian National Research Council; past director of the Center for Enterprise Knowledge at Free University of International Studies of Rome (UNINT) where he teaches Enterprise Information Systems. He is currently the Scientific Coordinator of the European Project BIVEE. Recently, he coordinated the European Task Force for the FInES (Future Internet Enterprise Systems) Research Roadmap 2025, in the DG INFSO of the European Commission. He managed and participated in more than 20 European and national projects. He has a long-time research experience in databases, knowledge representation, and semantic technologies. He served in resp. chaired Program Committees of primary international conferences such as CoopIS, VLDB, CAiSE, and EDBT and in the editorial boards of international journals,. He is co-founder and past president of the international EDBT Foundation. He authored more than 150 scientific papers.

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Smart imaging, from silicon to vision: challenges and… specifications?

Abstract: Highly local parallel computing and efficient memory management are emerging as key architectural concepts to continue increasing the performance of CMOS technologies despite physical limiting factors [1]. When it comes to vision systems, these concepts gain even greater relevance due to the nature of the information to be processed and the processing itself. Images contain a massive amount of data that must usually be analyzed under strict timing and power specifications. They require, at early processing stages, local interactions between pixels that can mostly take place in parallel. A distributed memory arrangement keeping topographical image information adapts seamlessly to such interactions. These particular features of low-level image processing demand to explore, for the sake of boosting performance, architectural solutions other than those based on conventional serial schemes. The industry is also pushing in this direction with the development of standards like OpenVX [2] calling for specialized vision hardware.

In this talk, the approach for smart imaging followed by the vision research group of the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville will be described. This approach focuses on the exploitation of the inherent characteristics of early vision as well as on an intensive use of distributed memory. Some of the latest vision chips designed by the group will be presented while highlighting the challenges to be addressed in the future. Finally, the need for a tight integration between hardware and software providing specifications at different levels will be proposed as the next step to boost the performance of vision systems.

BIOGRAPHY: Jorge Fernández-Berni was born in Córdoba (Andalusia, Spain) in 1981. He received the B.Eng. degree in Electronics and Telecommunication in September 2004 from the University of Seville, Spain. He then spent three and a half months at the Department of Instrumentation and Space Exploration of the Center for Astrobiology (CAB) in Madrid, Spain, granted by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). From January 2005 to September 2006, he was working in the telecommunication industry, first as a junior programmer developing remote database access software and later as head of department. In October 2006, he joined the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville (IMSE-CNM-CSIC) as a doctoral student, receiving the M.Sc. degree in Microelectronics in December 2008 and his Ph.D. in June 2011 with honors. He was visiting the Computer and Automation Research Institute (SZTAKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Science in Budapest for a term in 2010. There he worked in vision system integration with Professor Ákos Zarándy, current Head of  the Cellular Sensory and Optical Wave Computing Laboratory. Since February 2011, he holds a part-time Assistant Professorship at the Department of Electronics and Electromagnetism (University of Seville), where he also works as a full-time post-doctoral researcher.

Dr. Fernández-Berni is the leading author of over 25 papers in refereed journals, conferences and workshops. He is also the first author of a book and a book chapter. He received the Best Paper Award from the scientific commitee of „Image Sensors and Imaging Systems, SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014, San Francisco CA, USA“ and the Third Prize of the Student Paper Award from the scientific committee of „IEEE CNNA 2010: 12th Int. Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, Berkeley CA, USA“. He also presented an invited paper at „SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2011, Orlando FL, USA“. He has served as a reviewer for different international journals and conferences. He has also served as an external consultant for the IEEE concerning on-line tools for scientific material management. He is member of the IEEE CASS Technical Committee on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Array Computing.

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Towards User-centric Video Transmission in Next Generation Mobile Networks


There is a massive growth in mobile video consumption which outpaces the capacity improvements in next generation mobile networks. Specifically, mobile network operators face the challenge of allocating the scarce wireless resources while maximizing the user quality of experience (QoE). The first part of this talk addresses the main challenges in uplink distribution of user-generated video content over fourth generation mobile networks. The second part explores the benefit of QoE-based traffic and resource management in the mobile network in the context of adaptive HTTP downlink video delivery.


Ali El Essaili holds a Dipl-Ing. degree (2004) in Electrical Engineering from the Lebanese University and a M.Sc. degree (2006) in Communications Engineering from Technische Universität München (TUM). From April 2007 to February 2010, he was a software development engineer at General Motors. Since March 2010, he is pursuing his Ph.D. degree at the Institute for Media Technology at TUM as a member of the research and teaching staff. His current research interests are in the area of mobile multimedia, in particular multimedia signal processing and resource allocation.

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Elektronische Signaturen und elektronische Zustellung im E-Government

Elektronische Signaturen und elektronische Zustellung sind Eckpfeiler in E-Government Prozessen. Anhand eines typischen Prozesses wird deren prinzipieller Einsatz beschrieben. Sowohl bei elektronischen Signaturen als auch bei der elektronischen Zustellung wird der momentan Status und die aktuelle Umsetzung behandelt. Abschließend befasst sich der Vortrag mit aktuellen Problemstellungen und Lösungen speziell im grenzüberschreitenden Kontext.

Klaus Stranacher ist Mitarbeiter am E-Government Innovationszentrum und spezialisiert auf die Themenbereiche elektronische Signaturen, E-Government Prozesse und elektronische Dokumente. Er ist zuständig für die österreichischen Module für Online-Applikationen (MOA) zur Identifikation, Signaturerstellung und -prüfung. Weiters hat er an einigen EU-weiten Projekten im Bereich grenzüberschreitender Interoperabilität teilgenommen (eGov-Bus, STORK, SPOCS, etc.). Im Projekt SPOCS hat er das Arbeitspaket „Elektronische Dokumente“ geleitet. Klaus Stranacher ist auch Autor vieler wissenschaftlicher Publikationen.

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Grundlagen des E-Governments mit Schwerpunkt Identitätsmanagement

Abstract: Österreich ist seit Jahren eines der federführenden Länder im E-Government in Europa. Ein wichtiger Eckpfeiler dafür ist ein nachhaltiges Identitätsmanagement. Im Rahmen dieses Vortrags werden Grundkonzepte des österreichischen E-Governments erläutert, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf das Identitätsmanagement in Österreich gelegt wird. Zusätzlich werden elektronische Vollmachten thematisiert sowie Lösungsansätze im grenzüberschreitenden Kontext.

Vortragender (Bio): Bernd Zwattendorfer studierte Telematik an der TU Graz sowie Betriebswirtschaft an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Seit 2007 ist er Mitarbeiter des E-Government Innovationszentrums, welches durch Forschung und Innovationen das österreichische Bundeskanzleramt bei der Weiterentwicklung seiner IKT-Strategie unterstützt. Dabei bearbeitet er verschiedene Themen im Bereich IT-Sicherheit und e-Government, sein Schwerpunkt liegt im Identitätsmanagement und Cloud Computing. Er hat im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit unter anderem in einigen EU-Projekten mitgewirkt (eGov-Bus, STORK, STORK2, SPOCS, GINI-SA).

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Emerging Communication


The presented work considers the relation of Shannon-type information to those semantic and hermeneutic aspects of communication, which are often referred to as meaning. It builds on considerations of Talcott Parsons, Niklas Luhmann and Robert K. Logan and relates them to an agent-based model that reproduces key aspects of the Talking Head experiment by Luc Steels. The resulting insights seem to give reason to regard information and meaning not as qualitatively different entities, but as interrelated forms of order that emerge in the interaction of autonomous (self-referentially closed) agents. Although on first sight, this way of putting information and meaning into a constructivist framework seems to open possibilities to conceive meaning in terms of Shannon-information, it also suggests a re-conceptualization of information in terms of what cybernetics calls Eigenform in order to do justice to its dynamic interrelation with meaning.


Professor Füllsack holds a chair for Systems Science at the Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research (ISIS) from the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz. The field of his studies is quite wide. It includes Informatics, Philosophy, Sociology, Mathematics and Music science at the University of Vienna. His research work is focused on Social Systems Theory, Network and Game theory, Modeling and Multi-agent simulation, Sociology, Economics and Philosophy of work. 1994 PhD in Philosophy at the University of Vienna 2003 Habilitation (Venia Docendi) for Social philosophy

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Search Based Techniques for Testing Software Product Lines – An Overview and Open Questions

Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of related software systems whose members offer different combinations of features. SPL practices have proven extensive economical and technological benefits and are becoming more pervasive in domains where systematic and disciplined software reuse is fundamental to keep up with customer demands. Consequently, SPL testing has received increasing attention both by researchers and practitioners whose main challenge is how to effectively and efficiently cope with the typically large number of feature combinations. In this talk, I will present an overview of how Search Based techniques have been deployed to tackle this problem, describe some of our ongoing work on combinatorial interaction testing and lay out some open questions that are venues for further research or collaboration.

Dr. Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon is currently a Lise Meitner Fellow (2012-2014) sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz Austria . Additionally, since 2008 he is an External Lecturer at the Software Engineering Masters Programme of the University of Oxford, England. From 2010-2012 he held an FP7 Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowship on a project for consistency and composition of variable systems with multi-view models.  He obtained his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 2006, funded in part by a Fulbright Fellowship sponsored by the U.S. State Department. From 2005 to 2008, he was a Career Development Fellow at the Software Engineering Centre of the University of Oxford sponsored by Higher Education Founding Council of England (HEFCE). His expertise is software product lines, variability management, feature oriented software development, model driven software engineering, and consistency checking.


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