Rückblick: The Knowledgeable Software Engineer [Slides, Video]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium und Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Martin Pinzger am 24.04.2013 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“http://video.aau.at/video.php?video=rv_pinzger.mp4″]


[iframe src=“http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/22430443″ height=“400″ width=“476″ frameborder=“0″ marginwidth=“0″ marginheight=“0″ scrolling=“no“]

Abstract: Software is omnipresent. It is key to successful businesses and has become key to our social activities. As many systems, also software systems need to change in order to stay successful on the market. However, these changes cause software systems to become larger in size and more complex as described by Lehman’s Laws of Software Evolution. As a consequence, more resources are needed to maintain, or in general, evolve a software system. Evolving software systems is therefore mastering change and system complexity. The goal of my research and teaching is to provide software engineers with means to master this challenge.

In this inauguration lecture, I outline several challenges of evolving software systems and present the ideas and findings from my recent research to address them. In particular, I show how we can use the history of software projects to identify critical parts of a software system and how we can use visualization techniques to help software engineers to understand the implementation of large, complex software systems including large spreadsheets.

CV: Martin Pinzger is Professor of Software Engineering and head of the Software Engineering Research Group at the University of Klagenfurt. His research interests cover various topics in designing and evolving software systems. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology, worked as a Senior Research Associate at the University of Zurich, and as an Assistant Professor at the Delft University of Technology. He is a recipient of the prestigious Dutch NWO Vidi grant and co-founder of the TU Delft start-up Infotron.

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Efficient Algorithms for Hard Problems: Semidefinite Optimization for Binary Quadratic Programming

Abstract: Through three prominent combinatorial optimization problems (graph coloring, maximum cut, ordering) we will explain modelling techniques using semidefinite programming (as opposed to linear programming). We will derive relaxations that yield tight bounds and give rise to heuristics to obtain high-quality feasible solutions. We demonstrate how to combine these ingredients within a branch-and-bound framework, thus obtaining an exact solution method.

CV: Angelika Wiegele is a mathematician working in the field of combinatorial optimization and semidefinite optimization. She studied mathematics at the Alpen-Adria-Universit“at and at City University London where she was an Erasmus student

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Modern Automotive Control Systems

Abstract: Safety and comfort of passenger cars are improving steadily. This leads to a reduced number of fatal traffic accidents while the number of driven kilometers per year increases. Several factors are responsible for this development. Among them the application of automatic control plays an important role. Modern automotive control systems can support the driver in critical situations, e.g. by appropriate brake interventions and/or improve the handling and efficiency of cars, e.g. by active steering or intelligent throttle control. In this talk the principles of selected automotive control systems will be discussed. It will be outlined how model-based design techniques can be employed to develop powerful assistance systems for modern passenger cars.

CV: Martin Horn is professor for Control and Mechatronic Systems and head of the Institute for Smart System Technologies at the University Klagenfurt since 2008. His research interests cover nonlinear robust control, modelling, simulation and control of mechatronic systems with automotive applications. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Graz University of Technology . In 2003 he finished his habilitation at the same university and was awarded the venia legendi in “control systems and system dynamics” .


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CISC: Software Design Engineer (m/f)

Job Announcement

Software Design Engineer (m/f) [PDF]

Job Description

You will work on the development of new software tools needed for design of embedded microelectronic systems and integrated circuits. Further you develop also software for our products in the field of communication and identification. Being communicative you will also support our customers and our engineers.

Your Responsibilities

  • Development of CAD/CAE tools for embedded system and IC design
  • Development of embedded software for single board computers and gateways
  • Application development
  • Know-how about system simulation tools and the needed underlying infrastructure
  • Contribution to R&D activities and international research projects
  • Contributions to internal IT infrastructure concepts

Your Profile

  • Essential is knowledge about software development processes and rapid prototyping.
  • Very good knowledge of the programming languages Java and C++ is mandatory, Perl is highly appreciated, database knowledge and deep knowledge of Linux is a plus.
  • You prefer software development both under the Linux, OpenWRT and Windows OS and understand software requirements coming from a managers point of view.
  • Beneficial is also knowledge in network technology, implementing communication standards and distributed computing.
  • Balanced mixture of team worker and independent work style
  • Advanced English skills are mandatory, German is a plus

Business Unit: Tools+Methodology

Location: Lakeside Science & Technology Park, Klagenfurt; or Branch office in Graz, Austria

Experience Level: 0-10 Years

Education Level: University master degree in computer science, telematics

Payment: The collective agreement minimum wage is € 2077,55 gross per month, 14 times a year based on full-time employment. Needless to say that CISC will pay a more competitive package to reflect your professional experience.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please apply via www.cisc.at/career with a motivation letter and your resume attached (preferably in Word or PDF format).

Company Description

CISC Semiconductor GmbH is a design and consulting service company for industries developing embedded microelectronic systems with extremely short Time-To-Market cycles. Our core competences are: System design, modeling, simulation, verification and optimization of heterogeneous embedded microelectronic systems with a particular focus on Automotive and RFID systems. Our customers are coming from Semiconductor, Automotive, and RFID industry.

Visit us

at www.cisc.at for further information.

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KWF-Ausschreibung: TD|IKT 2013

Technologische Dienstleistungen, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien Kärnten [PDF]

Prämiert und gefördert werden innovative Projektvorhaben im Bereich wissensbasierter Dienstleistungen und technologieorientierter Innovationen.

Das wird gefördert

Mit der Ausschreibung »TD|IKT Technologische Dienstleistungen und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien Kärnten 2013« unterstützt der KWF Kärntner Wirtschaftsförderungs Fonds innovative Projekte von Kärntner KMU^2 des sekundären (Produzierender Bereich) und tertiären (Dienstleistungsbereich) Wirtschaftssektors im Bereich wissensbasierter Dienstleistungen und technologieorientierter Innovationen. Eingereichte Projektvorhaben führen zu neuen oder deutlich verbesserten marktgängigen Produkten, Verfahren oder Dienstleistungen und somit zu einer gestärkten Wettbewerbssituation der teilnehmenden Unternehmen. Die Projekte können in eigener Entwicklungsarbeit, aber auch in Zusammenarbeit mit einer wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung, einer Schule oder einem anderen Unternehmen realisiert werden.

Großunternehmen bzw. Unternehmen aus dem Ausland können im Zuge dieser Ausschreibung lediglich als externe Auftragnehmer für projektbezogene Teilbereiche integriert werden.

Einreichungen sind mittels Online-Einreichformular bis 08. Mai 2013, 12:00 Uhr möglich. Nach Anmeldung mittels E-Mail-Adresse erfolgt die Übermittlung der Formularnummer. Mit diesen Zugangsdaten können Projektanträge von jedem Computer mit Internetverbindung jederzeit bearbeitet und bereits eingegebene Daten aufgerufen werden. Endgültig übermittelte Projektanträge werden mittels Bestätigungsemail quittiert.

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From Menu Selection to Off-Screen Interaction with Eight-Hundred Seventy-two Study Participants

Abstract: Many daily activities we want to finish as fast and smoothly as possible. The same applies when we use our computing devices. Examples range from low-level actions, such as selecting the “Print” item from the “File” menu or clicking on desktop icons, to higher level activities and more complex tasks, such as finding the favorite holiday photo in the personal collection, or to use a smartphone to navigate a city map or to browse a long list of products before deciding on a purchase. Throughout the years, the desire for interaction efficiency has motivated the Human-Computer Interaction research community to seek and explore new interaction mechanisms and user interface techniques that improve on the state of the art. In this talk I will present a handful of past projects in which we have applied the experimental method to arrive at insights regarding novel user interface design solutions.

CV: David Ahlström received his M.Sc. degree from Stockholm University and his Ph.D. from the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt where he works in the Interactive Systems Group at the Department of Informatics Systems. His research is focused on the design and evaluation of interactive human-computer user interfaces with the aim to improve every day activities of computer use.



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The (Smart) Home of the Future – from the Perspective of Human Computer Interaction

Abstract: People spend about 70% of the time in their homes sleeping, eating, doing housework, entertaining,  etc.  Therefore, it is not surprising that people try to make their homes as fullfilling as possible. Technological progress has provided a huge variety of possible enhancements to the quality of life, through so-called „smart“ devices and “smart” functionality. Although smart appliances for the home have been available on the market for decades, they haven’t reached a critical mass in the private home sector. In this talk the potential reasons for this are discussed and examples of state-of-the-art smart functions are provided and evaluated from different scientific perspectives, with a specific focus on the overlap area between computer sciences and psychology – human computer interaction. On the basis of the human-centric design approach, we propose a new concept: “the Wise Home”. The wise home differentiates itself from the smart home by being more supportive to the requirements and needs of humans, rather than over the assumption of responsibility based on a misunderstanding of what it means to be “smart”.

CV: Gerhard Leitner is assistant professor in the Interactive Systems Research Group (Prof. Martin Hitz) at the University of Klagenfurt. He holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Psychology from Vienna University, and a PHD in the interdisciplinary field of Human Computer Interaction from the University of Klagenfurt. Mr. Leitner worked as a usability consultant at the CURE Institute (Center for Usability Research and Engineering) and within the Kabel New Media network of excellence for companies such as ZDF, OEBB, and Raiffeisen. His current research interests are Usability and User Experience in regard to ambient intelligence with a specific focus on smart living environments.

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The Knowledgeable Software Engineer

Abstract: Software is omnipresent. It is key to successful businesses and has become key to our social activities. As many systems, also software systems need to change in order to stay successful on the market. However, these changes cause software systems to become larger in size and more complex as described by Lehman’s Laws of Software Evolution. As a consequence, more resources are needed to maintain, or in general, evolve a software system. Evolving software systems is therefore mastering change and system complexity. The goal of my research and teaching is to provide software engineers with means to master this challenge.

In this inauguration lecture, I outline several challenges of evolving software systems and present the ideas and findings from my recent research to address them. In particular, I show how we can use the history of software projects to identify critical parts of a software system and how we can use visualization techniques to help software engineers to understand the implementation of large, complex software systems including large spreadsheets.

CV: Martin Pinzger is Professor of Software Engineering and head of the Software Engineering Research Group at the University of Klagenfurt. His research interests cover various topics in designing and evolving software systems. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology, worked as a Senior Research Associate at the University of Zurich, and as an Assistant Professor at the Delft University of Technology. He is a recipient of the prestigious Dutch NWO Vidi grant and co-founder of the TU Delft start-up Infotron.


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Ringvorlesung Informatik und Informationstechnik SS2013

Vortragstermine und Themen

6. März 2013, 17.00 Uhr, HS 2Ass.-Prof. DDipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan RassSecurity Infrastructures for Data- and Identity-Protection

  • Security Infrastructure Design
  • Security Risk Management
  • Redactable Signatures
  • Anonymous Communication

17. April 2013, 17.00 Uhr, HS 3Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. David AhlströmFrom Menu Selection to Off-Screen Interaction with Eight-Hundred Seventy-two Study Participants

  • Understanding Human-Factors in Computer use
  • Novel User Interfaces and Interaction Mechanism
  • Human-Computer Interaction Performance Studies

24. April 2013, 17.00 Uhr, Z 1.09Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin PinzgerThe Knowledgeable Software Engineer

  • Software Evolution
  • Software Metrics
  • Fine-Grained Source Code Changes
  • Change- and Bug Prediction
  • Recommender Systems for Software Engineering

15. Mai 2013, 17.00 Uhr, HS 2Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard LeitnerThe (Smart) Home of the Future – from the Perspective of Human Computer Interaction

  • Current State of Smart Home Technology and Research
  • Ambient Assisted Living
  • Energy saving
  • Remote Control
  • Automation vs. Alternative Interfaces
  • The goal: Wise instead of Smart

5. Juni 2013, 17.00 Uhr, HS 2Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Martin HornModern Automotive Control Systems

  • Active Suspension
  • Throttle control
  • Driver assistance systems
  • Automotive control

19. Juni 2013, 17.00 Uhr HS 2Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Angelika WiegeleEfficient Algorithms for Hard Problems: Semidefinite Optimization for Binary Quadratic Programming

  • Semidefinite Programming
  • NP-hard Problems
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Branch-and-Bound

26. Juni 2013, 17.00 Uhr, HS 2Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Klaus Schöffmann — Visual Content Browsing – Combining Exploratory Search and Automatic Multimedia Content Analysis

  • Content-Based Search
  • Interaction with Images and Videos
  • Visual Content Analysis
  • Evaluation of Visual Content Browsing
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Rückblick: Notes on teaching software testing [Video, Slides]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Dr. Ladislav Samuelis, Kosice, Slovakia am 28.03.2013 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“http://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_samuelis.mp4″]


[iframe src=“http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/18107682″ width=“476″ height=“400″ frameborder=“0″ marginwidth=“0″ marginheight=“0″ scrolling=“no“]

Abstract: The talk deals with two questions related to software testing. The first is: Why more testing should be taught? Complex systems and demands for higher software quality require software quality assurance, and generally, more efforts on software testing. The amount of software testing continues to grow. The related literature estimates that software testing effort is 50-60% of the total development effort. We summarize experience of teaching software testing by application of the ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) syllabi in the master study programme of software engineering. The second question is: Which theory of software testing do we have to teach? We focus on the approach of Goodenough and Gerhart. We are seeking further theories (Gödel) for their possible inclusion into the syllabi of software testing courses.

Short bio: Ladislav Samuelis is Associate Professor at the Department of Computers and Informatics of the Technical University Košice, Slovakia. He completed his M.Sc. in Computer Engineering at Prague Technical University and Ph.D. in Informatics at the Technical University of Budapest. His research interests include various software engineering topics, with focus on Software Testing, Automatic Program Synthesis, Software Evolution and Didactics in Informatics. Contact him at ladislav.samuelis@tuke.sk.

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