UPPERCUT group GmbH neues Mitglied beim Förderverein Technische Fakultät

UCG_Logo_hoch_pos_RGBGroßes bewegen, Menschen zum Staunen bringen – das ist die Mission der UPPERCUT group GmbH. Unter dieser Dachmarke hat sich im Laufe eines Jahrzehnts ein einzigartiges Team formiert, das von Web, Mobile, Software, Animationslösungen und Film bis hin zu Marketing, PR und Eventplanung eine breite Palette an professionellen Kommunikationsdienstleistungen anbietet. Jeder einzelne unserer 50 Experten ist ein Spezialist in seinem Fach, international ausgerichtet und getragen von Kreativität, Innovation und Herzblut.

Nähere Informationen findest du unter www.uppercut.at oder besuche uns auf Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UPPERCUT.at


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ACM Multimedia Systems 2016

ACM Multimedia SysteMMSYS_Logo_2016ms (MMSys) 2016 (#mmsys2016) is the flagship scientific event in the area of multimedia systems research. After Scottsdale (2010), San Jose (2011), Chapel Hill (2012), Oslo (2013), Singapore (2014), and Portland (2015), MMSys 2016 will be held in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria on May 10-13, 2016.


Sponsors: ACM, SIGMM, Adobe, YouTube, DASH-IF, Comcast VIPER, AAU, Bitmovin, Förderverein Technische Fakultät, FXPal, Kärnten Convention, Qualcomm


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Wir suchen drei Solution Engineer Energiewirtschaft (m/w)

Logo STW StadtwerkeIm Bereich Informations- und Prozessmanagement, befristet für 1 Jahr, ab sofort

[PDF Version]

Ihre Aufgaben / Unterstützung bei:

  • Ihr Einsatzbereich umfasst die Weiterentwicklung der Applikationen im Bereich Energiewirtschaft
  • Sicherstellung eines reibungslosen Applikationsbetriebs
  • Koordination und Entwicklung von Erweiterungen
  • Fehleranalyse und -behebung
  • Mitarbeit beim Rollout- und Entwicklungsprojekten
  • 2nd Level-Support für unsere Fachabteilungen

Unsere Anforderungen:

  • Abgeschlossene IT-Ausbildung (Uni, FH)
  • Kenntnisse in SQL, PL/SQL
  • Wissen über Softwareschnittstellen, wie bspw. Webservices (XML), APIs,
  • Kenntnisse in der Anforderungsanalyse und Software Design
  • Kenntnisse der Datenbanksysteme Oracle und SQL Server
  • Windows-Betriebssystemkenntnisse inkl. Windows-Server 2008 und höher
  • Know-How in der objektorientierten Programmierung (PHP, C#, Java, o. ä.) erwünscht
  • Erfahrungen mit Scripting (VBScript, Windows PowerShell, ) sind von Vorteil
  • Kenntnisse im Bereich Energiewirtschaft sind von Vorteil
  • Analytisches Denken und Abstraktionsvermögen sowie hohe Kommunikations-, Teamfähigkeit und Flexibilität
  • Selbständiges und eigenverantwortliches Handeln sowie Engagement und strukturiertes Arbeiten

Wir bieten:

  • Ein interessantes und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet
  • Ein kollektivvertragliches Mindestgehalt von € 2.395,27 brutto monatlich mit Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung (je nach konkreter Qualifikation und Erfahrung)

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf und Foto vorzugsweise online unter www.stw.at/jobs/jobangebote/ oder per E-Mail an jobs@stw.at.

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JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS neues Mitglied beim Förderverein Technische Fakultät


Robotik in ihren vielfältigen und interdisziplinären Ausprägungsformen wird kurz- und mittelfristig neben der klassischen industriellen Fertigung auch wesentliche Bereiche unseres Wirtschafts- und Alltagslebens beeinflussen. Mit ROBOTICS greift die JOANNEUM RESEARCH den aktuellen Bedarf der Wirtschaft an anwendungsorientierter Forschung für diese Technologien an der Schnittstelle zwischen digitaler und realer Welt auf. Die Schwerpunkte des Instituts umfassen primär Forschungs­themen der Mensch/Roboter Kollaboration und Interaktion in innovativen Pro­duktionsprozessen, sowie die Thematik Robot-Safety. Darüber hinaus werden Themenstellungen der mobilen Robotik in den Bereichen industrieller Fertigung und Logistik, sowie der Service-Robotik im Allgemeinen bearbeitet.

Standort des jüngsten Instituts der JOANNEUM RESEARCH ist Klagenfurt.

Weitere Details finden Sie auf der Web-Seite bzw. im Folder.

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3D stereo tracking and trajectory reconstruction of multiple particles using locally approximated motion models

Faisal Z. Qureshi | 13.01.2016 | 10:00 Uhr | Seminarraum Lakeside Labs B4.1.114


We developed a new method for extracting 3D flight trajectories of droplets using high-speed stereo capture. We noticed that traditional multi-camera tracking techniques fare poorly on our problem, in part due to the fact that all droplets have very similar shapes, sizes and appearances. Our method uses local motion models to track individual droplets in each frame. 2D tracks are used to learn a global, non-linear motion model, which in turn can be used to estimate the 3D locations of individual droplets even when these are not visible in any camera. We have evaluated the proposed method on both synthetic and real data and our method is able to reconstruct 3D flight trajectories of hundreds of droplets. The proposed technique solves for both the 3D trajectory of a droplet and its motion model concomitantly, and we have found it to be superior to 3D reconstruction via triangulation. Furthermore, the learned global motion model allows us to relax the simultaneity assumptions of stereo camera systems. Our results suggest that, even when full stereo information is available, our unsynchronized reconstruction using the global motion model can significantly improve the 3D estimation accuracy.


Faisal QURESHIFaisal Qureshi is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Oshawa, Canada. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in 2007.  He also holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, and an M.Sc. in Electronics from Quaid-e-Azam University, Pakistan.  Prior to joining UOIT, he worked as a Software Developer at Autodesk. His research interests include sensor networks, computer vision, and computer graphics. He has also published papers in space robotics.  He has interned at ATR Labs (Kyoto, Japan), AT&T Research Labs (Red Bank, NJ, USA), and MDA Space Missions (Brampton, ON, Canada).  He is a member of the IEEE and the ACM.

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Call for Submission: Insight2016

Call for Submission


scientific data as viewed from an aesthetic perspective


Graphical visualization is an efficient way to present specific information about a large amount of data. Sometimes the act of expanding the view of underlying or superordinate information creates images which can be strikingly beautiful. If you have produced such an image recently during your research you are welcome to participate at INSIGHT2016!


  • scientific data visualization (no photographic images)
  • the data will be presented in an exhibition


  • mail your work and the related information to: submission@insight2016.at
  • deadline: January 15, 2016


  • show how interesting your work can be
  • support a charity
  • win an award

Who can submit?

  • everyone that gains information from data visualization

When and Where?

  • exhibition period: April 2016
  • Lakeside Science & Technology Park, Lakeside B11, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Österreich

Detailed Informationhttp://www.insight2016.at

Contact: Theresa Rienmüller, Mathias Brandstötter, team@insight2016.at

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Einladung zur Generalversammlung 2015

Der Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt lädt Sie hiermit herzlich zur Generalversammlung ein.

Wann: Freitag, 27. November 2015, 16:00 Uhr

Wo: Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Raum E.2.69, Universitätsstrasse 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt


  1. Begrüßung
  2. Genehmigung der Tagesordnung
  3. Genehmigung des Protokolls der letzten Generalversammlung
  4. Bericht des Obmanns
  5. Bericht des Geschäftsführers
  6. Bericht der Rechnungsprüfer
  7. Wahl der Rechnungsprüfer
  8. Entlastung des Vorstands
  9. Budget 2016
  10. Allfälliges

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christian Inzko (Obmann)
Christian Timmerer (Geschäftsführer)

P.S.: Das Protokoll der vorjährigen Generalversammlung finden Sie hier.

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Jobs at JOANNEUM RESEARCH in Klagenfurt

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (JOANNEUM RESEARCH) is a business oriented leader of innovation and a technology provider. It is linked to a worldwide network and has provided cutting-edge re-search according to the highest international standard for over thirty years. With a focus on applied research and technology development, JOANNEUM RESEARCH plays a key role in transfer of technology and know-how. Our newly established ROBOTICS institute focuses primarily on human-robot collaboration for innovative production processes, as well as on robot safety.

For our new location at the Lakeside Science & Technology Park in Klagenfurt, Austria, we are seeking highly motivated

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15th Central European Conference on Cryptology (CECC) successfully hosted at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

The Department of Mathematics and the System Security Research group jointly organized the 15th Central European Conference on Cryptology (CECC) from 8th until 10th of July 2015. The conference featured invited lectures by Andrey Bogdanov (from Technical University of Denmark) on Symmetric-Key Cryptography in Untrusted Environments, Keith Martin (from Royal Holloway, University of London), giving an exciting lecture on bridging the gap between (cryptographic) theory and practice, Vincent Rijmen (from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium), talking about the currently hot topic of threshold implementations against side-channel information leakage, and Daniel Genkin (from Tel Aviv University, Israel), impressing people with a live demonstration on how easy it is to drain information from a seemingly secure computer.

The conference brought together researchers of various subfields of security, engaging themselves in interesting and fruitful discussions on recent advances in many aspects of cryptology, such as cryptanalysis, cryptographic applications in information security, design of cryptographic systems and many more.


Stay tuned for the upcoming instance of the Central European Conference on Cryptology, to be held in Hotel Magnolia, Piestany, Slovakia, June 22 – 24, 2016, where new results from this year’s newly created joint research alliances will be presented.

The CECC15 book of abstracts is available.

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Rückblick: Current Directions in Behavioral Energy Economics [Slides]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Laurens Rook am 17.7.2015 beinhaltet die Folien:


In recent years many times sustainability and renewable energy consumption have been set on the agenda. However, the pressing issue how to make people reduce their amount of energy consumed – or their switching  towards green alternatives – has received far less research attention. The academic discipline of behavioral economics has much to offer to this debate. In the presentation we will summarize prior research on the role of individual differences and various pricing and framing techniques that have proven to be helpful in making people switch to green energy. We will also address challenges and future directions in behavioral energy economics.


Laurens Rook is Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He received his Ph.D. from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (in 2008), and his bachelor and master’s degrees from the  University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (in 2001; MA Thesis on Mass Psychology in Fine Art and Advertising).  His research focuses on herd and imitative behavior in creative context, and is published in the Creativity Research Journal.  His second focus is on behavioral informatics. Laurens collaborates with the Learning Agents Research Group at Erasmus (LARGE). A recent paper on using social media apps to make people consume green energy  (together with University of Connecticut, USA) was awarded best poster  award (2nd prize, the 2014 Conference on Information Systems and Technology).  He lectures on Research Methodology,   Statistics, and Group Dynamics, but also is a graduated professional artist (Academy of Arts Rotterdam, 1997) with collected work in the Municipal Archives of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and the National Art Collection of Ireland.

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